He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Friday, July 30, 2004

Old hBlog - Gas Prices

Gas Prices and wool (please place over eyes)

Ok before I start this, Yes I do drive an SUV. Yes I drive an SUV thatgets horrendous gas mileage, but I drive mine where it was designed to be driven, offroad,and I do it as a hobby, if you think this is an expensive hobby fuel wise ask a friend who flies a small plane for fun and leisure.

That said, I hear a lot of grumbling about the middle east and their apparent screwing of the US with the sale of barrels of crude oil to us.

Did we learn nothing in the past gas crisis' ? If the price per barrel of crude was really the issue, then ALL fuels based on crude would be sky rocketing. Do any of my readers drive a diesel vehicle ? Have you noticed if you buy diesel at truck stops or any place where the trucks of this country fuel that the price has not risen at all ?

The government know full well that they cannot fool the people (the truckers), who rely solely on fuel as their blood to get goods across this fine country, into believing this wild roller coaster ride of price changes is real, so they simply leave it alone.

The powers that be do not want another truckers strike, especially while we are all waving our flags and rallying 'round the Bush as he runs in circles like a UNREAL junky trying to figure out what to shoot next.

Wars cost money, a large, large amount of money, you may think it's expensive to go on a all expenses cruise with ALL your friends, but that peanuts compared to war. Think my car uses a lot of gas? Try keeping almost 3/4 million Hummers running at the ready full time, never mind tanks. (Oddly, they also use diesel fuel but I digress)

So we can all help pay for it.... Think about it folks, if the truckers are happy, we get our groceries, if we are unhappy, well....frankly, who cares ? We pay the stupidity tax once again. Welcome to hell, here's your SpeedPass.

Around election day will be a good time to fill your tank. Trust me.


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