He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Bug ? ...Windshield ?

Ok so the aliens that inhabit Whole foods next dor to B&N are definitely odd, but I must say, (atkins dieters avert your eyes...) they make some fine bread.

I got a lovley loaf of Green Olive and parmesan Sourdough today, and belive it or not, I'm sitting here eating it with Sundried Tomato and Walnut Hummus, and a Chai ice tea watching the snow fall.

Ok not to freak anyone out, I did have a corndog for lunch... :)

Somedays you are the windshield, somedays the bug.

Man it gets late (early ?) quick when you work til midnight.

Everyone have a great weekend.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

sad news...



Sat Nov 20, 06:16:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

park lunch. that sucks. hope your shoulder feels better dude. CHAI ICE TEA? ok...


Sat Nov 20, 06:55:00 PM


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