He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Ok so who....

....wants to move to New Zealand ?

Ok I know,I know this is a great country, but 4 more years of this blatent stupidity and something's gonna blow. Trust it coming from a master of stupidity and it blowing up in your face.

There's some new Notes in the Star Wars Galaxies (SWG) blog. Mostly startup bits from getting the release of Jump to Lightspeed (JTL).

Saw a great movie on Kerry if you want to cry in your beer... It's called "Going Upriver - The Long War of John Kerry" I got it on NetFlix.

NetFlix by the way has lowered it's 3 DVD disks unlimited price back to almost what it used to be, so if you ditched em, it's a good time to come back, if you never had them and you want a great way to rent DVDs drop me a line and maybe I can get a bonus for bringing someone onboard. If youget your timing just right, you can actually have a movie coming in the mail everyday. Thats what I've maneged to do excpet around holidays whenit gets all weird because they do come US mail.

Will try and write more. Been busy with the Jeffco project and trying to learn how to fly a X-Wing. :)

ALso will try pushing some more pictures up .



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice digs, mate. Is that a skylight I see? Nice.


Sat Nov 06, 01:42:00 PM


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