He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Happy New Year and all that rot

Pearl Street Frog
Originally uploaded by hbrownii.
Greeting all, It's been a while, but I have no excuses other than just flat out being too lazy to write much and motivation at the moment is running at a all time low.

First, Happy New Year !! I kniw it happened because a bunch of people were screaming and yelling in my back alley at midnight... but they do that many nights, so it's either New Years or a Football game......

Here you see the Pearl St. Frog. Just another shot from lovely downtown PRB ( People's Republic of Boulder - a few Sq. miles surrounded by reality)

NETFLIX Users.... If you have an Netflix account and feel like sharing your viewing habits with me, feel free to try out the new Friends feature in NetFlix. My account is: Harry Brown and all you really have to do is use the invite friends feature, type in an email address and it will manage the sending and connecting you up.

So MacWorld ws this week, and after Steve "The Paranoid" Jobs finished totally messing with the Keynote video feed, we got new news. I'm not going to gointo it here, you can see the news on the Apple website. I'm sure it got at least one day of news in the normal news channels until they found out they were talking about Apple and gave it no more attention.

If anyone (besides Lloyd, whose already booked) has plans to come visit Colorado for winter fun. please let me know, and I'll try and get some time off to hook up. Would love to see some familiar faces.

Cheers for now, no real news, just plodding along.



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