He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Sunday, September 19, 2004

'Nuther Day, 'Nuther quarter....

Well I worked the closing shift tonight, and got out at 11:45. Rushed downtown and managed to catch one set of the Indulgers at the pub.

The Buffs had a football game today , and judging from the spirits flowing and the folks there, I'm gonna guess they won. I guess I 'll see tomorrow.

Pete and I are going to the "Red Rocks the Vote "show tomorrow at Red Rocks. Hunter S. Thompson was supposd to emmcee, but he flaked at the last minute. the hsow has a couple local faves and then Greg Allman and finally the headliner; Gov't Mule.

Gov't mule has been known to have some pretty amazing bass players sit in, so I'm hoping for Les Claypool.

So someone stole 2 of my T-Shirts and my HBS sweatshirt from the laundry room, That really annoys the shiy out if me. Especially the HBS sweat. Darn thing cost me almost $70.00 and I finally had it good and worn in, and not 2 hours before I finally got an old stain out of it.

As much as I had days I hated working at HBS, there were a ton of great people and that shirt reminded me of that. I actually wasn't officially working for the School at the time and one of my co-workers was nice enough to buy it at employee discount for me. ( You know who you are....) While they were running an extra percentage for X-mas.

But it just sucks when ypu can't even do laundry in your own place and not have it grow legs....




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