He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Friday, September 17, 2004

What a Crock....

Ok, just how the hell is it that Martha Stewart is sentenced to go to jail for her alleged crimes and she has " a few weeks "to " check in" ? (source: Rocky Mountain News 9/16/04)

What the hell is this ? A Hotel ?

If you or I, dear reader, got stopped for excessive speeding, or some other crime like say, shoplifting Martha Stewart pillow cases from a local K-mart, you would be sitting in the pokey, hoping someone would would show up ( in your grandfathers suit jacket...long story....) to bail your sorry ass out.

You do not get time to setup broadcast from the set of your testing facility, you do not get to shop for "jail clothes" and you are, last I checked, expected to be in jail.

At what point do we stop idolizing these TV and sports personalities to the point where they are above the law ?

And speaking of TV, why the hell do we care who is sitting in for who on the evening news when the normal anchor "person" isn't there ? It's news, not a talk show....



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