He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Friday, September 17, 2004

Welcome ...

Well this is the second start at hBlog. So I guess it's v 2.0

There isn't a great deal I can say except it's just kind of a way for me to get some news out of what I'm up to and what I think about some things.

It's in a second incarnation because I had to move knowmads.com to a new host and in the process thought I'd like to save a little sanity by hosting my own blog files and application. This isn't exactly what happened, but if I do reach that goal, the new product will be located here, so at least we'll be on the same server. there are some vaguely technical notes in a beta post from a couple of days ago.

For those who followed the first incarnation of this silliness, I'm trying to move old posts from the old system to here in an organzied fashion.

You'll see old entries on this blog with the prefix of "Old Blog - " and some sort of description of the post.

I've narrowed down the categories for now to a few I think I'll actually update.

If by chance, you have a blog of your own and want to cross link let me know I'll be happy to spread the word.

If you'd like to start your own blog, but are worried it's too hard, for a lot of the basic stuff, including hosting i can very happily recommend a visit to the good folks at http://www.blogger.com/



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks good, bro. Keep typing, old man.

Fri Sep 17, 09:48:00 PM


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