He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Where's Osama ?

Ok so we all know that, at some point, very soon, we'll get the report, in a timely, pre election News brief that our missing "enemy of the state" will have been captured.

Granted, he's probably been eating McDonalds for months now, when Bush finds the time is right, Ol' Osama will come to town for a Republican ovation.

So some folks out there thought it would be a nice gesture to build up the expectaction a little, put a little fun in it, and alas, call it what it will be: a sham of the utmost degree, but heck, we have already forgotten the bogus absentee ballots , so why not ? ( You know, the ones that weren't actually in on time to be counted, but oddly were, hours after they surfaced ... and they all were for Bush ...)

So get a chance to dance the glory dance with dubyah by casting your guess as to when the little rascal will show. Take a quick trip over to http://www.osamasweepstakes.com/ and cast yer vote. (This one will even count as a vote...) And who knows ? You could nail it with the accuracy that a Republican Press Agent could only hope for.

There’s a free poll on the website, as well as a $ 2.00 contest to win a genuine Dubya action figure in full "Mission Accomplished" flightsuit. All the money raised goes to the Colorado branch of Court Appointed Service Advocates (CASA), which advocates for abused and neglected children, so even if Osama doesn’t turn up on your day of choice, you’ll still know it’s all for a good cause.

Plus you can get a chance to say " I told you so..." and have the evidence to prove it.....




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