He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Saturday, December 11, 2004

1 more shopping Saturday til Chaos ..err Christmas.

Well it's sunny and according to my thermometer, about 70 degrees outside. I have the back porch door open, and the cats are revelling in the apparent lack of winter.

With a nice breeze, the Dead on the stereo, it's a nice day.

Of course I look at the calendar, and realize two things. It can't stay this way for long, and I really wish there was amonth for financial recovery between the two "BIG" holidays.

Working tonight, 1 more Saturday after this til Christmas ! Bah Humbug.

Well enough cheer, off to clean muddy paw prints from the carpet.

Tis the season for Ragu.

Saw Hot air ballons this morning, with the wind being what it is here, I can safely say these guys are nutz.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Xmas HB. Hope you survive the last minute shoppers and such. Enjoy and have a happy new year.

Your friends in Pepperell

Sun Dec 12, 10:45:00 PM


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