He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Monday, August 01, 2005

Moved ?

Well thanks to Pete, we managed to move all my tons of junk into the new place.

While parked on the street new Anne's, the Rover got hit, near as I can tell by a Ryder or Penske truck, judging from the color of the paint left behind. The dside mirror is completely gone, and the panels are very banged up.

Managed to smash the iBook again in the move, just after getting it fixed.

Some people can't buy a break.

Near as I can tell, the new place is OK, but it smells like bad pet pee. Tried all the carpet fresh I can deal with now, but now it's too full to do much more.

I'm bruised and sore, and VERY VERY tired. The cats are fighting over territory in the house, but 4 neighbors of 2120 Canyon mentioned how much they would miss Roswell.

Savannah really only made one friend there who moved out a couple months ago. Roz, in his "doglike style" made friends with any one who left a door open.

I'm running around town now trying to get all the logistics done. Moving sucks.

Pete deserves a medal for his willingness to help in the hottest weather they have had her in 120 years.

I think the new address is :

704 Mohawk Dr. Apt # 2
Boulder CO 80303

I'm probably not going to be able to afford a land line phone, and Sprint is busy calling me everyday telling me they are going to shut off my cel, so for now the cel is the best way to contact me.

Right now I'm using the free wireless in downtown Boulder. I'm hoping to get internet soon, but every freshman on the CU acceptance list is moving into town right now. Comcast is backed up beyond belief.

I think things will start to improve, but I really have to get Knowmads started up out here or I'm in deep doo doo.

On the less dramatic side, if you get a chance to see Wonka, let me know what you think. I liked it, but I had a massive backache during it, so I wasn't in the greatest mood. Also if you have the cash, see March of the Penguins. I think the folks who made it deserve the credit. It's a fabulous documentary.

I'm going to try and keep up the Blog, but I really have a hard time getting to the 'net. So we'll see.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the move went reasonably well. Thanks for helping, Pete. Harry - check your old address for mail soon for an unfortunately timed care package that may not handle heat very well.

Mon Aug 01, 10:28:00 PM


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