He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Thursday, July 07, 2005

It was supposed to come in three's....

But bad shit seems to happen now in multiples higher than that.

There's a lot of you trying to get in touch with me, I apologize, but most of my phone communication has been shut off, and I've been away from decent internet for a while.

I write this from free wireless, and I can only say things that went bad, then went worst.

My friend was in the hospital, for several days, and now, is on a plane home to Arizona, where she will probably secure a job, and leave me here, again solo.

That is OK. I have done it long enough now that I can. But I do not like it. I was allowed a small period of time to have a mate again, and now it mostly hurts.

So, if you read this, and have any feeling for me at all, understand, that I am bitter, and lonely, but have faith that somehow I will make it out of this, and probably many other sad and unfotunate situations in the future.

I have fought hard and true, and will continue to do so, but there is only so much a person can take. So if I do not seem to be responding, I apologize, but I'm a little tired of this shit. And I don't really lend anything to most of your lives, so I go on, but don't be hurt, or offended, I'm just too far away to be consoled as I would like.

I would give my right arm for a hug, but that simply isn't going to happen.

I remain, true to my cause of giving the finger to Death, and will hold true to that.

Remember Smeagal lies, and the ring is mine. There are Eagles out there, they just aren't me, or mine.



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