He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Friday, April 28, 2006


Hi Folks,

Sorry, I haven't been in touch, I lost my phone access, and then they shut off my internet.

Now they are threatening to evict me on the 30th.

I don't think it's completely legal, but I have no grounds to stand on.

I will try to respond to emails when I find wireless.




Blogger DIckie said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Sun Apr 30, 06:16:00 PM

Blogger DIckie said...


Tue May 16, 10:33:00 AM

Blogger DIckie said...

Dano? Pete?

Thu May 18, 07:58:00 AM

Blogger DIckie said...


Thu May 18, 07:58:00 AM

Blogger micro said...

I haven't heard from him in ages

Thu May 18, 11:13:00 AM

Blogger micro said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Thu May 18, 11:13:00 AM

Blogger micro said...

I'm posting the following on behalf of Fran and Charlie Collins.


Dear Friends of Harry -

We are both sad and happy to share with you the news of Harry's passing. Sad because he was our son and your friend and we all loved him, but happy to see him free of a life that did not make him happy. He died peacefully in his bed with his two cats snuggled up to him where a friend found him. When you think of him. remember all the fun times that you had together as a teen as well as a smart and funny adult. We know you had good times together and those are the legacies that he would want to leave behind.
We had a family funeral on Monday and spread his ashes in the cave on the cliff where he loved to stay when he was camping out.
Please forward this news to anyone whom you think would want to know about Harry, and when you think of him send him love.
We have made arraignments for all of his electronic equipment as well as books to go to The Attention Homes of Boulder Colorado - they are an organization that helps kids in need and we feel that this is what Harry would like.

Fran & Charlie Collins

POB 790129
Virgin UT 84779

Tue May 23, 05:20:00 PM

Blogger micro said...

If anyone wishes to contact me, you can find my email at https://www.directory.harvard.edu/phonebook/
Just search for Michael Rowe. If I put my email address here, I will get even more spam, if that is possible.


Tue May 23, 05:23:00 PM

Blogger micro said...

Or you an post comments on my blog.


Tue May 23, 05:26:00 PM

Blogger DIckie said...

Thanks to Dago and Micro for handling this with grace and compassion.
I am very sad.

Tue May 23, 07:05:00 PM

Blogger DIckie said...

I think maybe one last relentless cookout may be fitting.

Tue May 23, 07:06:00 PM

Blogger Anabella said...

The world seems a little emptier today; at least mine does. Harry was not just one of a kind and the best of friends to many, but the voice of reason many a time; a life to be celebrated, a friend to be sorely missed, and a presence that will always be with me.

- anabella

Wed May 24, 06:52:00 AM

Blogger DIckie said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Wed May 24, 03:23:00 PM

Blogger Jim said...

Just found out today. He was a great friend and I'll miss him terribly.

Wed May 24, 09:26:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I met Harry at Boston University’s computer store back in the early 90’s. We shared a passion for all things Apple & 8 ball (no slop). I was the one who encouraged (Read: begged, pestered and nagged) him to apply to Harvard Business School’s IT contractor. I thought he’d be fun to work with, and tried to make an opportunity for him.
We worked together for 2 years. I’ll always remember his sunny disposition, his quick wit and sense of cool. Oh! and those Littleton yard parties. My snowboard is now named after him, as a tribute. Like most of you, I tried my best to lessen the weight of this world for him, with a joke or some advice, letting him know that he was loved.
Harry, my friend, rest in peace.
Tracy (Myss Teree)

Thu May 25, 05:25:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a little YKYBOTLW tribute to the only man I knew who had a Wookie that wore sunglasses.

OMFG WTF NFW!... Harry, please tell me you're J/K, that this is just some surreal OTT RPG and that you are just AFK so I can LMAO while you're ROFL... but no, IRL I'm SOL, at least that's the FYI I just got.

So I guess all I can say is BFN and THX 1.0E6. I'll catch you on the other side where we'll REHI in that MUD in the sky; and when I TTYL we'll look back and LOL over all the PEBKAC issues we can think of.

In the mean time, IMHO I think you should take some time to RTFM _before_ you come down next time. Otherwise it might be just as FUBAR and you'll end up with JASE.

CYA & pax,

Thu May 25, 10:17:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard this terrible news a couple of days ago and my mind keeps returning to Harry.

Growing up, Harry was a very important person to me and many of my friends. His influence on us was immense and his kind and gentle encouragement helped many of us find muses we still rely on. Although his friends from younger generations have scattered all over the world, when we meet up and discuss our formative years as adults, Harry is always mentioned. Harry was almost soley responsible, good or bad, for exposing many of us to a whole new world - far removed from the sedate atmosphere of our small town. For many years Harry was the binding glue that held together a scene that was composed of probably the most creative and interesting people I have ever met - and we all know it was no accident. Harry was just that kind of guy.

I'll miss Harry. Even though it has been several years since I have seen him, I miss knowing he's out there and wish he could still inspire another generation.

Fri May 26, 06:57:00 PM

Blogger JQ said...

In my early teens and a 'good girl', my friendship with David (Dago) brought me regularly into the basement of his parents' house where I discovered a new world... D&D, Bowie, endless Doritos and Mountain Dew -- and Harry Brown. All completely innocent and safe (despite what it may sound like!), but with just a touch of danger and excitement - and helmed by Harry as our DM, friend, stand-up comedian, and 'establishment basher'.

I remember those times only as happy and exciting (even punctuated by pre-teen drama as they always were) and Harry really was the first person I knew who opened my world up a bit -- bad isn't always bad and good isn't always good, but laughter is essential and goddamn it, don't take yourself so seriously!

Throughout the subsequent 25+ years (jesus!) we saw each other on and off - cookouts at David's, his wedding, cookouts at the Littleton house, on the slopes of some ski resort (can't remember for the life of me which one) as I was learning to snowboard, and a subsequent weekend where we met him at the camp at the bottom of Tuckerman's Ravine... regardless of when we saw each other or how long it had been since the last time, I was always greeted with a bear hug, a huge grin, and he always had a twinkle in his eye (perpetually a cross b/w jolly, protective and lecherous ;-)

My husband has struggled with many of the same demons that have plagued Harry over the years, and I am so grateful that Shaun has been blessed enough to get to a place of recovery. I only wish that Harry had had that same blessing.

I miss him terribly, but I know that he is smiling down on all of us now, in a more peaceful place, but I am positive that he still has that same loving, jolly, protective and lecherous look in his eye - and is giving us all perpetual bear hugs.

Sun May 28, 11:43:00 PM


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