He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Sunday, March 19, 2006


I Just sent the last 4 days in tje hospital with massive inernal blood loss all ovr again. Now, before it start, i'm noy looking for the sympathyboat,

But I couldn'g get word out with NG tubes in, Ask dickie how "fun" they are,

All I wanted was to try a re-try and start the network, so,of course if wierd and folks need help.

I've oissed a lot folks off, but keep eye on each other's back's



Blogger Harry said...

I appreciate the care, I knew there would eventually be some sort of reaction to the old operations. luckily, I ran pretty healthy, and didn't need much blood. It would seem my old support system doesn't work anymore, (heck who can blame em ?)

So I now live on my own.... Funny how much you miss people, until you have to go it alone.

I hope to be healthy again, but frankly, I've turned into a Vampire. I spend all night awake, and many days asleeep. It's not healthy, but it seems to work,


Mon Mar 27, 11:40:00 PM


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