He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Harry's Memorial Cookout

Dear Friends of Harry -

Sherri, Ellen, Mike and I are having a memorial cookout for all to pay their respects at my house in Plaistow on Saturday June 3, starting around 3:00. Harry was too great a person to let him go uncelebrated, I only wish that we had done this years ago. Please bring any photos or other mementos you may have of Harry's friendship for all to see, and remember to post your thoughts below.

To leave a wish with Harry, please bring a small (1-inch or smaller) stone that you may have picked up because it attracted you (or find one, they're everywhere when you keep your eyes open) and give it a special prayer or happy thought for Harry. I will take them to Harry's resting place and make a cairn of them to stay with him.

There will be a small pool, so have your kids bring a swimsuit if the weather is hot. You may want to bring a chair, and feel free to bring any foods, music, instruments, or readings you may wish to share.

Please RSVP with the number of people who will be coming. If this e-mail has been forwarded to you, our e-mail address is dsaverill A T comcast D O T N E T.

Please send us an email for our address and telephone number.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we'll be there.

brendan, kathleen & audrey rose

Mon May 29, 09:12:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please RSVP here if you haven't sent an email...we're trying to get as accurate a count as we can.

Wed May 31, 04:24:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in,


Wed May 31, 09:19:00 PM

Blogger DIckie said...

I am doubting it, but Destiny really wants me to go, so if you could save a chair for me..
also, are there any cheap hotels close by?

Thu Jun 01, 08:08:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, we have had longstanding plans for this weekend, but my thoughts will be with you guys. Make it an annual event!

Thu Jun 01, 10:48:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that Gerald has a great idea. "The Relentless Cookout-Version 2.0".

Could be interesting....

Fri Jun 02, 07:25:00 AM

Blogger micro said...

Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day!

Fri Jun 02, 11:08:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We just put up a tent, so we are on, come rain or come shine. Parents: you may want to bring a change of clothes (and a swimsuit and towel, if it's not too cool) in case your kids follow my kids and play in the wet grass.

Fri Jun 02, 03:57:00 PM


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