He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Pictures from Harry's Cookout

This is micro. Here are some pictures taken today.

Also, here are some pictures that Erika took: share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=8AauWbdi0buH4Q

And here are some pictures from Jeanne:


Blogger DIckie said...

thanks Micro and Dago & sherri.

Sat Jun 03, 08:26:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks everyone. it was a very special and very wet day. we had a lot of fun. audrey fell asleep the moment her ass hit the carseat. she loved meeting her new "uncles and aunts".

much love,

brendan, kathleen & audrey

Sat Jun 03, 10:49:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was great to see everyone after so many years...I'll write more when I wake up a bit more today.

Sun Jun 04, 08:54:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great thing you did, guys.

I wish i coulda been there.

hugs all around,


Sun Jun 04, 12:35:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings All,

Just wanted to say thanks for organizing the final good bye to an old friend.

Mike, Dago, Sherri and Ellen well done.

I also want to thank all of you who kept in touch with Harry during these past quite dark times and did all that anyone can do.

Harry may have lost the final battle with himself in the end but it wasn’t for a lack of allot of people who never gave up on him.

Thanks again,


Sun Jun 04, 02:06:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A great big thanks to Dave, Sherri, Mike and Ellen for all the hard work that went into getting this memorial together, and again for what must have been really soggy, muddy work the next day to clean up. I would have loved to stay and help, but that 10:30 am train was a must for me to get back to PA.

It was a hard, difficult day, yet so good...

It was great to see old friends, and meet the ones I really only knew through Harry's stories. It is no wonder that a great heart like his would have cultivated as friends great people like you, both the ones there and those who wanted to be there. A most difficult good-bye was made easier by the incredible people around me. It still makes no sense, and it is no easier, and I am really not used to the fact that it isn't just one of those long periods of not hearing from Harry for a while, but it was good to make the first attempt at a farewell in the company of those who loved him. Thanks.


Mon Jun 05, 11:05:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey all --

Thanks David, Sherri, Mike and Ellen for putting it all together. Such tasty snacks and good folks -- Harry would have been so pleased.

For anyone who wants to keep in touch, I am VERY google-able at Columbia's religion department (I'm paranoid about putting my email on blogs) and would be tickled if you googled me. Besides, then you'd have the delicious, not to be missed opportunity to read all about my dissertation (ok -- so maybe not how you want to spend your precious web-grazing time -- but I promise it is not "chloroform in print" as Mark Twain once said about the Book of Mormon).

And if you want to see some of my pictures from the day, go to this site:


Keep in touch!


Mon Jun 05, 11:03:00 PM

Blogger JQ said...

Here are more pix from Harry's Cookout -

Fri Jun 09, 10:58:00 PM


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