He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Monday, August 16, 2004

Old hBlog - thoughts

"According to Jung, at around the age of six or seven we separate and then hide away the parts of ourselves that don't seem acceptable, that don't fit in the world around us. Those acceptable parts that we secret away become our shadows."

It's not funny to say it, but it's funny in an odd way. You see I dont think we ever labeled ADD when I was a kid. So we were just called "hyper", or im my case. "obnoxious".

But I find I seen to have a combination of ADD and procrastination. I don't know what they'd call that, but I know that I tend to get busy doing everything that I can like cleaning the whole house, when I really know I have something I must do.

Today I was supposed to go to work, come home and practice my music, hook up the synths, and send some email to a head hunter to try and get a second interview.

The apartment looks great....... But I didn't practice....

The porch looks great and the grill works like a champ..... The synths don't have any MIDI going to or from them....

This is the first time in two weeks I got back on this blog, and I think of things to write everyday. It's like 3:00 in the morning, but at least I'm not playing Star Wars Galaxies, but I think I'm avoiding that too... because I have things I'm supposed to do in it that I don't want to do as well.

I'm reading Wil Wheaton's book : "Just a Geek" . Wil was the kid in Star Trek that most people hated for some odd reason, but it turns out that while trying to find real film work he got really bored and ended up starting one of the first blogs: http://www.wilwheaton.net/ and he's pretty big Linux geek, so I have a sort of newfound respect for the dude. The book is quite a good read, and pretty funny at times too.

I've added a post from his site here from his XML news feed from his site, I'm still trying to figure out how to make all my different news aggregations work and the pick and choose which to present here.

I keep having to remind myself that this blog isn't for organizing things for ME to read, but to present those things I want to show to others. I could see how this could easily become yet another "bookmark" manager.

Things I hope to make work here before the trail period is up:

  • Topics and separate pages for each (like SWG; Halo; Alcohol/Sobriety; Book ideas; thoughts and maybe a propellerhead/geek/tech section.
  • New feeds from SlashDot, Allakhazam, PHP/perl logs,Mozilla
Well, it's a start.


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