He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Friday, October 15, 2004

.... these are the times of... oh never mind.

Ok I got enough abuse for not finishing that last post, but there was a reason.
FOr the longest time I couldn't post at ll, and me and my Host were working it out. Ad we finally figured it out, and convinced them that I wasn't attempting to send SPAM all over the planet.

See I set up a responder to respond to accounts that I do not host anymore, and these responedrs more or less just said FATAL error Recipient not found and bounced it back to the sender.

Well, I guess a lot of senders do not accept replies, so they would bounce it back to me, and I would bounce it back to them and they would bounce it back to me, and I would bounce it back to them and they would bounce it back to me, I would bounce it back to them and they would bounce it back to me, I would bounce it back to them and they would bounce it back to me... Anyway you get the picture....

So they shut me down. ANd it has taken a bit of work to get them to agree to let me loose on the 'net again.

I had just finished fixing all of this the other day when I had to test it and run off to work. Ta Da.

So it's getting very cold here at night and snow is hitting the mountains. Loveland opens for skiing tomorrow. These people take their snow seriously, everywhere you look or listen to the radio, there's reports of the inch count at the elevations where it's falling, slowly the places creep down, closer to home.

Now, I wish I had been liquid enough to buy a ski pass before they stopped selling them at preseason rates. :(

So Boulder life contimues with no great news. I haven't really ben doing much since I have adpted to my new schedule. Essentially I work 6 days a week, 3 for B&N and 3 for Jeffco chool district. I work evenings til about midnight for B&N and then I work very early mornings for Jeffco. In between the 2 I have 1 day off that I usually sleep through. But I guess it's nice to be working, and I am luckt to have the 2 3 day sets as consecutive.

The Jeffco job is good solid mac work, but unfortunately they need a reality check. The cooks in charge seem to belive the masses have let new macs sit around waiting for the "proper" image to be delivered (my job) but when I get there, I usually find they are all set up and have been running for months now, and they are NOT ready for me to swing into town and just blow them away and install a locked down system set.

Barnes and Noble is latin for "Hurt Feet" Nuff said, even with new shoes I'm crippled by the end of 3 days (21 hrs.)

I haven't really found a good new hobby. Actually I'm not sure I have time for a good new hobby. Maybe stamp collecting....

Bolgging doesn't seem to be generating any great gems, although I can take up disk space pretty well.

Well I'm off to bed.



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