He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Time through the hour glass.......

Well, it's been a while. Just can't bring mysel to look at the screen after a few of the days I've been having.

And I'm still in some sort of "slug" mode from my trip home. I can't quite figure out if all I do is work, sleep and eat, why the heck am I so fatigued. I think my brain is playing tricks on me. Again I'm back to being tired in the day and wide awake at night.

Jobs are pretty much the same. Not really looking to the holiday season in retail, but alas, that's one of the gigs and wiothout both, I have no chance of keeping my head above water.My chin is pretty much under as it is.

Finally got to see 3 movies I've been meaning to see. Farenheit 9/11, Big Fish and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind. I liked them all, and it made me rethink my logic of not having a TV. Watching movies on a laptop screen is kind of the pits, and the DVD reader in my desktop mac stopped working way back when I tried to put a CD-R in the machine.

And there's not really any place to really sit and casually watch a movie in my apartment. Essentially I have an Office chair and I have a woodenchair, and then the computer rack. ANd me being me I constantly get distracted by the computer when I should be just watching the movie. Luckinly I can read on the back porch. It's tight but not too bad. And it keeps me away from the computer.

I thought Farenheit 9/11 was great, but I have said for a long time that Moore relies on the viewer to make conclusions as he presents data, and I'm just not so sure a lot of people are with the times enough to draw the conclusions from F9/11. In Bowling for COlumbine, we all had a sort of Media Blasted set of images and facts to draw from, so it was easy to come to conclusions with the information presented, but in F9/11, it's a little more complex, and frankly I think there are a few loose ends.

(to be continued.... Have to run to work)



Blogger DIckie said...

Space is a rare luxury in my house. I live with my betterer half, her 2 sons and three cats.

Keep posting, I am following you...

Mon Oct 11, 02:57:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see a new post. I check it every day. Lots of us are following this little blog. Keep on keepin' on, HBII.


Tue Oct 12, 11:03:00 PM


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