He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Finally Offroad

Switzerland Trail
Originally uploaded by hbrownii.
So I finally get all my license and Registration almost sorted out (Thank you Mom and Charlie for helping with Utah), and what'd I do? I went and found a trail West of Boulder, that is supposed to be easy. Well that was not exactly written for winter, and it's all too easy to forget those hill are full of snow, when in Boulder folks are running around in shorts and T-Shirts.

Well, I did go out alone, but I also left info where I was going and a copy of the map I was using with folks nice ad warm here in Boulder.

I only got three shots, and they were before it got kind of "interesting".

Side note. Unless you know what you are doing, do not go out without preparations. I can't say totally know what I'm doing, but I've learned a lot the hard way, so I was covered. I was carrying 2 gallons of water, trail mix, Sleeping bag, emergency blankets, some dry wood, and a GPS, in which, the batteries went dead) and a small Pizza. (they don't deliver into the woods)

Anyway shortly after these were taken, a small storm front moved in, and made this slight decline in this picture damn near unclimbable, so I had to keep going down... Hoping there wouldn't be another "UP" around the corner.

It is really quiet out there in the woods, and I think it waould have been even quieter at night...


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