He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Rehash of the blog


I'm sorry.

There was some sort of screwup with Blogger, so I can't easliy edit what I wrote last night.

( And as you can see they have dropped the usual format )

First in response to many emails, I'm not on a suicide bent, I just sort of thought I'd present some neat material.

The Geldof reference was mostly for people who knew what happened to Bob, and Michael, of INXS, and it gets ugly after that, and I don't really want to offer my thoughts, because they don't matter. I wasn't there but I miss Michael deeply. He was one of the few rock stars who chose to talk to someone who meant a lot to me, and he came across as a real human being.

I've, obviously worked for a lot of people that could have been jerks, but he wasn't one of em, and I mourned when he took his life.

But then it got really odd, when he was tied to Geldof, who I regard as the most important person in our age except maybe Bowie, so it's been a wierd headspace for me.

I'm odd this way, but hopefully I can live in this bubble that is Boulder until it doesn't matter anymore. I will become a simple memory for you all.


The Warrior Lives,



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