He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

being home, or like it

Oddly enough, this place has crickets. Which, when trying to sleep are either annoying as hell or actually peaceful. I'm sort of getting used to being alone again, but I don't like it.

I find that I have lost the ability to properly sleep again, but walking around here is nowhere near as fun as walking around downtown was.

There's probably some sort os logic to that, but I haven't found it yet. I really need net access, so I can at least work when I can't sleep. For some reason I can use a wireless connection really late at night (or morning) that someone has left open. But it doesn't work during that day.

My iPod has pretty much saved my sanity, because it's going to take weeks to get to my sound stuff, and now that the iBook is broken again, I have a pretty hard time running any DVDs.

I've discovered that although A/C is nice, it seems to dehydrate you faster than anything. The cats are going through water like crazy, and I have cramped up almost everytime I wake up. So i hope it gets cooler here soon so I can ween myself off the A/C. The pool would be nice, but my scars and modesty of the psoriasis on my legs make me shy to use it, plus I don't have a key yet.


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