He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Harry Potter....

So when did the cast of Potter get all stylized and 90210 ?

My word they all look like rock stars.

Now I knew this was going to be pontential, but I really hoped not.

But the amount of hair alone blows the mind.

Just my opinion.

I'm losing my sight, so a pair of round glasses are probably in my future, but the boy has hair and I do not.

BTW - Chefs For Humanity deserve more credit than they got. They turned out 5000 meals a day, and I know there are a couple people who understand that, but for those of you who don't know an emergeny situation, understand only an accident scene, But these folks worked REALLY hard, as volunteer's.

I know I do not have any claims to fame, but I still think they deserve credit when credit is due.

I sent a carton box of Ramen, yeah it sux, but food being food. But I can't claim what I've seen for New Orleans. Play the game, I'm friggin broke, but will never leave people hanging.

Sorry to preach,

I'm sick, and would appear tired. Or a Vampire.



Blogger DIckie said...

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Sun Mar 12, 09:19:00 PM

Blogger DIckie said...

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Sun Mar 12, 09:25:00 PM

Blogger Harry said...

You should read your email. and relize I menat to to not leave you in the disrect.

All I was trying to do was help.

Guess I didn't again.

And Screw you, it's my damn Blog.

Don't like it..... Don't read it.


Sun Mar 12, 11:50:00 PM


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