He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Scorpions.... And Tablets

OK I know I live in the west, but isn't it still supposed to be cold enough not to shake out yer (that's an eastern term for Your) shoes getting up in the morning ?

I found a scorpion on Roswell this morning, which for Roz could have sucked, but he happens to stand guard of me (i.e sleeps next to my head) while I sleep.

On the rare occasion I do sleep, it would be a comfort to know there wasn't a scorpion close to my head.

No Dickie, not the rock band. They would be welcome as long as they stayed to their side of the bed.

Anywho, when you reach into the vat of horrors I have, scopions are thae last dang thing you expect to find sleeping next to you. I've done a lot of Coyote Ugly, but this wasn't one of those.

I learned to get along with Black Widows, single housewives, and Turantula's in my past, but this scared the bejeezus out of me, and I've owned snakes, so it takes quite a bit.

Savannah wanted nothing to do with it, letting Roswell bypass her and head straight for the door. I assume the beast and other beast seperated at Roswells favorite dirt pit, because he came back clean.

Whay a black cat revels in rolling in dirt I don't know....

Onto the technical side, has anyone actually used a Tablet PC ?

I need opinions of whether it is real or not, and I no longer have the ability to keep buying PCs for obvious reasons.

I have a contract possibility, that may require laptops, but I'm thinking I want to play. And learn....

drop me an email if you have used one.



Blogger DIckie said...

good news about the contract!
in medic school (near San Antonio) we had to do an obstacle course with a guy in an old MASH style litter. The guys name was crooks and he had a penchant for LSD. Inorder to do this, we had to strap him in pretty good, at one point we kinda forgot about him (I think we were allowed to drink H2O) and we returned to find him screaming as a scorpion spun circles just south of his neck.

Sun Mar 05, 07:27:00 PM

Blogger Harry said...

Umm I'm very good at identfying bugs, Bettr you I would bet. Roswell's collar was inhabited by a scorion, Now want to play ? I lived in land where you dumped yer boots every day.

Now everyday I play with sand, you ? It't never meanut ti be an afront. But Frakly I know a bug when I see one.

Hopefully you won't have to deal with that poison, but you will someday, Don't ever touch the insect, and if you feel numb after a sting use lemon. And call for help.

Nothing else to be said, the boy did well, but that's expected. The Bengal would have probably done better. \\

Black cat has the brian ofn olive. But ge's the carrier, and lovable.

Sun Mar 05, 08:14:00 PM

Blogger Harry said...

Looking back, I'vve read a little more news, turns ow have few more cruch-;ike critters than yoy would expect.

Turns ot we're warmer than usual, Makes for nice BBQ, but all other is no fun,

But I appreciete the insnity check. Wan a bug or two ?


Mon Mar 06, 01:25:00 AM

Blogger DIckie said...

No, he really had a scorpion on his body and he was strapped down and couldn;t move.
btw- Jimmy Herring is a monster guit guy.

Mon Mar 06, 10:24:00 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

I found your post while while searching some info about the 5th track on Rob Zombie's new album - Educated Horses: The Scorpion Sleeps...
I must say I only saw real scorpions in glass boxes, so that must have been quite an experience... :D

Tue Jul 11, 02:47:00 PM


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