He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Friday, April 28, 2006


Hi Folks,

Sorry, I haven't been in touch, I lost my phone access, and then they shut off my internet.

Now they are threatening to evict me on the 30th.

I don't think it's completely legal, but I have no grounds to stand on.

I will try to respond to emails when I find wireless.



Monday, April 17, 2006

OK, I have a needed cable....

I have a Nikonk Coolpix 2000, anyonne have a cable I cann hook up to eier machine I finally got the hard drive back. It mit even hold. probablly not but hect I can't afford anther PC, but my my Casio has has given up and and I need a camera.

So I fouund one. Noow I need a very small adapter, I'd prefer Mac, but I' I'll take anything.

Let me know,


Saturday, April 15, 2006

Rose on Who....

OK, call me simple, but I think the Rose Dalek relationship goes againt all we know about Who'

But it's fun to watch.....

Perhaps the best serial since Firefly.

If you haven't rent or bought Sernity yet,,, you are missing something, but what do I know ?



Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Paddle while you can......

Hi all,

my good friend Caroline gave birth to wonderful baby grrl

I hope I not inuating info, but her name is Willow which is one of my favorite names.

I would have gone with Samatha, but I'm too too weak have children,
So I'm a little broken up, but also very happy for her. Near as I can detect everything went flawleslsy

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Who ?

It is quite posssible except for the nw Hiitchhiker's Guie that the nw Dr. Who hold's it's very well.

OK, I'll admit it fall's down now and again, but Rose is great and the Dr , well the Dr. They play it pefefettly.as a a matter of fact it almost hurts.

I rarely stand by a TV show,,,, but I have to persanally say I'm a big fan..


It just works, which has has been long time on TV.

Never mind, I don't know crap abaout film.

Have a good one all.