He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Happy 43rd!

Sunday would have been Harry's 43rd birthday. It's funny, I could never get his and Dago's birthdays straight. I would always think that Harry's was the 11th, and then mention that I'd miss Dago's birthday. He would explain, once again, that it was his that I missed. Just when I got it all sorted out...

Anywho, I miss ya Brown.



Blogger Harry said...

I've got one of the Comcast music channels on, and Shriekback is playing. Now I'm really thinking of Harry!


Sat Aug 04, 04:56:00 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Happy B Day HB2. I am missing the relentless.

Tue Aug 07, 10:00:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I always confused Harry's birthday with that of another friend from Caracas, which is today, the 7th. I actually did think of Harry's a couple of days ago, but for the most part, he always got extra hugs on the 7th, so... here I am, to share the hugs with those who care and will always remember -- whichever day they do remember :-)


Tue Aug 07, 02:49:00 PM

Blogger Thornproof said...

The first weeks of August were littered with birthdays- I'm sure I'll forget some: Harry, Tom Q, Colin, Dago, Steppie, Bushie,
Dug (?), and many more that I'm forgetting right now. It was relentless. A lot of cake and a lot of beer.
Happy Birthday Harry. I miss you.


Wed Aug 08, 07:36:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy (late) Birthday dude! It will be a long time, my freind, before a days go by where you weren't in the somewhere.

Miss ya bro!
-Chris Sawtelle

Thu Aug 30, 11:28:00 AM

Blogger eleanor said...

Here we are at the autumnal equinox, day and night the same length, turning the corner of the year into cooler weather and (please gods) some rain. And once again, a chance to say that the Harry-less world still feels unbalanced. Happy birthday, Harry, and to all you other August babies, from another Leo who still misses you.
Hope you all are well, take good care.
~ Eleanor

Sun Sep 23, 02:24:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard from HBs folks or know whats going on with his Dad?
I was in NBPT a few weeks ago and ran into Sawtelle and Kira at the same time. Guess who we talked about.

Wed Oct 03, 05:17:00 PM

Blogger DIckie said...

does anyone have a scan of the classic HBII signature/mark?

Thu Nov 15, 08:09:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


It is strange that he still haunts us all.


Then again he wouldn't have it any other way.

Here is drinking to you old friend once again for your act of gathering like minded spirits that I enjoy as usual.


Thu Nov 29, 04:15:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am missing my annual XMAS shopping run to Fox Run w HB today.

Thu Dec 06, 10:29:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings to all who come by this page from Tim Quinn,


Not to piss off any one with ideas of life and reality or past memories just resurfacing or anything but I was just hanging out with Brown, ((and some should stop reading this now) or not).

My kid sister Sharon gave me a gift back in October, A preordered print out of the New Collectors Editions of Blade Runner coming out December 18th, well I am taking a brake from watching it tonight to catch my wits.

I don’t know how many times any of you have watched Blade Runner with Harry or ranted and raved abut it with him, but if you happen to be watching the “Final Cut of Blade Runner”,…..

(Home alone with the fire roaring and plenty to eat and drink and smoke,

Don’t be surprised , If old dead friends don’t show up to hang out and chat.

Best to all of you life has to offer at this merry time of the cold but happy part of the year.


Wed Dec 19, 10:01:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recently saw a bit of a David Gilmour concert on PBS during fundraiser week. Bowie had a guest appearance on the show and did vocals on Comfortably Numb. I thought that that's the kind of shit that might have kept Harry alive a bit longer.


Wed Dec 19, 10:20:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

merry christmas hb. hope you're all doing well out there, wherever you are.

Tue Dec 25, 10:23:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

One more thing...
I think I saw Donny on an episode of "Brotherhood" on Showtime. Anyone else catch that?

Tue Dec 25, 10:34:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw the ad for the new Blade Runner release and was like 'no way am I getting that- too spooky'.

I did go Christmas shopping with a bunch of guys from work, they got ripped and hit on waitresses, I wore and old kangol hat that I liberated from Brown, so I brought a piece of him with me. He thought it looked better on me, but I'd rather see him wear it.

Wed Dec 26, 09:29:00 AM

Blogger DIckie said...

I got tix for Joe Jackson in KIngston NY for April. I can;t help but think how happy HB would be to go and see. It one of the few acts he'd actually sit and watch.
JJ is playing the somerville theatre, a great venue. His bassist Graham Maby is coming along, should be great. New album out this week- very good.

Thu Jan 31, 07:49:00 AM


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