He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Another Birthday

Today would have been Harry's 44th birthday. I think he would have liked this one, as it would be his "hard eight" birthday. I miss you Brown. It's been two years, but it hasn't gotten any easier.



Blogger DIckie said...

Happy Birthday HB2, I don't know what a hard 8 is, but it sounds funny.

Tue Aug 05, 04:39:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's from playing craps. You can make an eight with many combinations, but when you roll two 4's, it's called a hard eight.


Tue Aug 05, 10:29:00 PM

Blogger micro said...

It's been so long since I posted under my own name, I couldn't remember how to do it. Now I'm me. :)

Tue Aug 05, 11:13:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday HB and to all of our friends with early August birthdays. Miss you pal. Hard eight kinda sounds dirty. Or maybe it would be a good name for a punk band. Just sayin'. Be good.

Wed Aug 06, 09:17:00 AM

Blogger Rachel Leach said...

I was certainly thinking about HB on the 5th. No more relentless cookouts, huh? I hope everyone is enjoying summer and this posting finds you all healthy and happy. I spent a couple of weeks in MA this summer and saw Father Brown for an afternoon. I was a little saddened that he didn't even mention Harry in the conversation. I guess we all wrestle with our own demons. Rachel

Tue Aug 12, 08:48:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will be in Newburyport for a week starting this Sunday.

Thu Aug 14, 03:49:00 PM

Blogger eleanor said...

hello friends! as usual i am a couple of weeks behind on posting. micro, thanks for marking the date and for keeping the site up. count my vote for hard eight as a band name. another year, another summer, another everything without our friend. hope all is well with you and yours. love as always ~e~

Sun Sep 07, 02:37:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dammit, HB!


Tue Oct 07, 01:28:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont know why I did it, but I went back and read HBs old posts from 2005-2006. gave me alot of insight.

Sat Oct 25, 10:26:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I read his old posts now and then. I'm afraid that he knew what he was doing...I don't think he wanted to, but he was just unable to stop himself. What a waste.


Tue Oct 28, 01:02:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every once in a while, I think of an old friend and poke around the internet to see if I can find them. I had thought about Harry in recent years but never had any luck looking for him until this week. I was shocked and saddened to find out he is gone.

Although I didn't know Harry well, I did know him off and on for most of my life. We met as kids and again as teenagers (our families were friends), then in our 20s we dated. Even though that was only for a short time, he left me with things I still have today, like a love of Peter Gabriel and science fiction.

It's good that Harry had such great friends. I know you all were great friends because I still recognize some of the names here even though it's been well over a decade since I've seen any of you. Not many people can make that kind of lasting impression.

Anyway, I just wanted to post some very belated sympathies to all of you. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Wed Dec 17, 08:31:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a drag,


Wed Dec 17, 09:21:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find myself re-reading this site at this time of year, looking for new comments. I pace around, talking to him as if he were in the room with me. I practice what I'll say to him on the other side, work on new material as a comedian would do. Harry, you're my Muse.

Fri Dec 19, 04:53:00 AM


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