He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Monday, June 26, 2006

And now it's time for the stories...

This is from Dickie.



Lately as the sting has begun to wear off a bit and other issues take precedence (as they inevitably do), I have found myself chuckling over some of the funnier moments I experienced with Harry.
I will list 2 here and perhaps ask Micro to create a post and we all may comment on the lighter side of Mr Brown.

1. When Harry's career consisted of getting out of bed @ 10 AM and walking from the fridge to his home office with a beer and 'working' for Charlie til about 2 pm then off to the Littleton haunts, he had a grat set up in his office. He had an old Mac Duo laptop dedicated to caller ID and playing individual ringtones (a capability we can use on our cel phones, but this was 8 years ago). Ellens cellular ID illicted a 'BATTLE STATIONS- WHOOP WHOOP!' star wars sound file.

2. More sage wisdom from HB came when he was coaching me on facing the judge for my DWI hearing in Texas- 'Dickie, put a pen in your shirt pocket- there's something about a pen in your shirt pocket that tells the judge you're not a loser". Of course Harry, cuz the .29 BAC I blew screams of responsibilty.


Blogger micro said...

Since Dickie kicked this off, I'll put one up that includes him.

Remember Harry's apartment on Prospect Street? This occurred after Doug moved to Roxbury, and Harry had it all to himself. The exact details of the conversation are lost with time, but the general impression I leave below is pretty accurate.

I'm at home on day, and Brown calls. "Hey, do you have a spare toilet in your basement by any chance?"

WTF?! "No, why would you think such a thing?".

"Well, your from New Hampshire, and you people have things like that kicking around".

"Up yours, Brown. Why do you need a toilet?".

"Mine kind of broke".

Uh huh. Seems Mr. Brown got pissed at Kira and tossed a glass at the bowl. Direct hit! So off I go to the Plaistow dump, back when it was still a dump and not one of them there fancy transfer stations. A quick look around and I find what I need. Toilets are toilets, right? This should work fine.

Enter Dickie. He and I then try to get this bowl to play nice with the existing tank. As I recall this involved gluing a plastic card inside the tank, some plastic tubing, and finally an old black and white tv to hold the tank in place. Remember how he had a stack of 3 or 4 old tv's in the living room? Not sure if the one I had as a kid (a hand me down from my grandmother) was the one we used or not, but I'd like to think so :)

A fine plumbing job indeed, if you happen to be The Three Stooges. But there were only two of us, Dickie and myself. I think this may have been one of the reason Harry was in "litigation" when he moved out of the apartment. No, strike that, was a damn fine plumbing job. Must have been the wall treatments or something else. Couldn't have been the plumbing. Right Dickie?

Mon Jun 26, 10:20:00 PM

Blogger micro said...

Oh, and one more. I remember we were heading someplace one night, don't really remember where. But Brendan was supposed to be hooking up with us, so Harry left him a note, folded it over once, addressed it to "Dano", and pinned it to the door.

Well, when I see the name "Dano", I think of Hawaii 5-0, and the phrase "Dano, search the island". So I append this to his name, and we head out. Where, I have not idea, but it must have been something great and fun and exciting.

But no Brendan. Come to find out Brendan sees the note. Reads "Dano, search the island", and heads to the only island he knows, Plum. We never did hook up that night. And I laughed like hell when I found out about it.

Ok, not really a Harry story, but when I was thinking about Prospect St., that memory came back. So here it is. I'm still chuckling.

"Dano, unfold the paper". :)

Mon Jun 26, 10:30:00 PM

Blogger micro said...

By the way, Dickie, that toilet night was the night we met, right?

Mon Jun 26, 10:36:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll never forget the time.... oh wait I can't really publish that one online. Not if I ever want to run for senate! Oh, what the hell. Let's just say the story involves BOSKONE, a tub full of champange, a table full of mushrooms and an elevator stopped between floors that I, thankfully, was not in. Sorry Brett.

I also remember Harry riding on the front hood of Brian Frizell's rather large town car, or whatever it was, up in Danville on some curvy, dusty road in the middle of the night. I was suprised that he made it through that night, nevermind the hundreds of other near misses. He was on the edge and I loved being there with him, or usually a little behind him in a safer, more reasonable spot.

"Harry, you didn't throw up AT the bar, you threw up ON the bar!"
-Bronx River Yacht Club 1986(?)

Mon Jun 26, 11:03:00 PM

Blogger DIckie said...

I think we did meet that night! Damn fine plumbing. You realized we needed pressure from above to create a water tight seal, using the TV was my stroke (aka cerebrovascular accident) of genius. Any one recall the 'isis acid' from Keith the Harvard Square punk? Yikes. I have the feeling this is going to be a loooong thread. I can exorcise some of HB here. I dont want to loose all of him, but he's been taking up space in my head lately and not paying rent.

Tue Jun 27, 07:32:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just at that Boskone Marriott this weekend remembering Harry skateboarding down that psychedelic glass walkway, Ellie's mail shirt (was that the first time we met? I don't remember) and a general fascination with the lobby chandelier and escalators.

Thanks for starting the thread, Dickie

Tue Jun 27, 10:57:00 AM

Blogger micro said...

For the record, that was the only Boskone at the Marriott. It was a brand new hotel, and I don't think they were ready for us. Well, ready for those of us who actually left the hotel room.

Of all the Boskone's I went to with Harry, the first was the most memorable. Brown, Frizzell and myself barely fitting in Friz's car because of all the shit we brought with us. So many wild stories from that weekend, such as the inaugural elevator party, the wacko's across the hall, the toilet problem, the first Recon, and others I don't dare share ;)

Tue Jun 27, 05:32:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember meeting Howie Mandel at a Boskone at the Park Plaza. He must have been doing some St. Elsewhere or maybe some stand up in town and just kind of wandered into this party. I vaguely remember the 80's, but I remember Mandel. I think that he was hitting on my date....what's her name?

Friggin' Boskone.

I was wondering if anyone has had contact with Frizell. He should know about HB.

Tue Jun 27, 10:25:00 PM

Blogger micro said...

The last time I saw Frizzell was at Lloyd's wedding. I wish I knew how to get in touch with him.

Dago, didn't you meat Ellie in high school, as Jeanne met her one summer at UNH when she went to SYMS? I remember meeting her at a band show at Triton, or somewhere else in Mass.

Wed Jun 28, 03:26:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings All,

Oh what stories from the past....

Thanks for the rekindled old memories,

A bit insane at times but that was a fun con,
Happy 4th all,

Sat Jul 01, 10:05:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That grey coat was a Westpoint cadet coat. Not easy to find. It must have weighed 50 pounds. That jacket and those freakin' long orange Chuck Taylors. That boy had STYLE!

Happy 4th everyone

Tue Jul 04, 08:14:00 AM

Blogger DIckie said...

Lately I have been remembering flying around NBPT with Pete in his burnt orange VW himmler wagon scaring people as we attacked our friends with star trek disc guns. Killer was my fave game. HB was the gamemaster a role he never really gave up for me. He really got a kick out of living vicariously through me, after he married and all. Particularly through my college years (mid-late twenties) I did my best to deliver the goods.
I'd like to hear from Mr Eaton.
What up Sawtelle- you shout too.
Diamond Dickless

Tue Jul 04, 09:19:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

An Ode to Cons…

Oh what fun they are.

In the odd chance that there are any younglings reading this thing your have to remember this was a far and distant magical time before vcr’s never mind dvd the internet and all the rest. This was the place you could see a bunch of very cool and crazy people, watch a bunch of very good movies and just be and do what or however you felt like existing in a very good way. The old Bostcons were a thing of magic that sadly I fear few will ever get a chance to know again. There are the old memories though…

Never mind when none of you are of drinking age, no one has a credit card and you somehow got yourself a room in the Park Plaza, several cool people watching your back, a ancient old American car with a trunk full of booze, and all the rest.

It is a story out of a fun old dog eared book that your will never forget.


Wed Jul 05, 10:00:00 PM

Blogger DIckie said...

Oh, and for the record- I put the pen in my shirt pocket in court- I pled nolo contendre and the charge got dropped from DWI to obstruction of a highway. The sentence was time served (which was July 4th weekend when I got pinched). So what the hell do I know?
Another time HB saved my bum, there were many. Thanks, Eyore.

Thu Jul 13, 07:45:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is JohnCon.

Too lazy to set up a blogger account...

So HB was, as you all know, a certifiable Rover nut. Used to hear all about the latest mods he installed, Rover events he went to, and so on.

For all of that, though I never went out four-wheelin' with him until years after he got the damn Rover. Out in Byfield, hammering through some God-forsaken patch of who knows what. We come upon a puddle of unknown depth. To plow through or not to plow through. You know the answer! About halfway we stall the Rover. Can't get it started, won't turn over at all. I theorize that too much water got into the engine, water doesn't compress, blah blah blah. HB starts grousing about the fact that he always wanted to get a snorkel intake, never did, blah blah blah. Slog our way out of there, call Dickie (or Micro, or both, can't really remember) to get us out of there.

Back out there the next day in Ellen's Wrangler. HB manages to tear most of the exhaust system out of the thing getting there, so now we have a Wrangler that sounds like a top-fuel dragster and a water-logged Rover (To say that Ellen has the patience of a Saint is to understate the case considerably). I get up under the hood, take out all the plugs, and have HB spin the engine. Muddy gas-impregnated shitwater all over my face, put the plugs back in, finally get the Rover running, and winch it out of there.

Haven't been four-wheeling since!

You are missed, Harry.

Thu Jul 13, 02:03:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is JohnCon.

Too lazy to set up a blogger account...

So HB was, as you all know, a certifiable Rover nut. Used to hear all about the latest mods he installed, Rover events he went to, and so on.

For all of that, though I never went out four-wheelin' with him until years after he got the damn Rover. Out in Byfield, hammering through some God-forsaken patch of who knows what. We come upon a puddle of unknown depth. To plow through or not to plow through. You know the answer! About halfway we stall the Rover. Can't get it started, won't turn over at all. I theorize that too much water got into the engine, water doesn't compress, blah blah blah. HB starts grousing about the fact that he always wanted to get a snorkel intake, never did, blah blah blah. Slog our way out of there, call Dickie (or Micro, or both, can't really remember) to get us out of there.

Back out there the next day in Ellen's Wrangler. HB manages to tear most of the exhaust system out of the thing getting there, so now we have a Wrangler that sounds like a top-fuel dragster and a water-logged Rover (To say that Ellen has the patience of a Saint is to understate the case considerably). I get up under the hood, take out all the plugs, and have HB spin the engine. Muddy gas-impregnated shitwater all over my face, put the plugs back in, finally get the Rover running, and winch it out of there.

Haven't been four-wheeling since!

You are missed, Harry.

Thu Jul 13, 02:03:00 PM

Blogger DIckie said...

Did any of you guys work on the 'A Christmas Carol' at Amesbury High School?
I have never thrown up so much before or since.

Sat Jul 22, 04:06:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


I worked most of that gig, mad fog machines, lights almost falling off staging, Pete eating a bag of Skittles and drinking tab and Kahluah, and insistently jabbering into his head set,

Insane director / lead actor (Scrooge),

And some funny white weasel dust..



Sat Jul 22, 04:23:00 PM

Blogger DIckie said...

I belive that we were asked to 'tone it down' in the effects departments as the little ones in the audience we crying and messing themselves when Marley made his entrance.
It was a great show- my first into to tangueray.

Sun Jul 23, 09:43:00 AM

Blogger DIckie said...

I believe that we were asked to 'tone it down' in the effects departments as the little ones in the audience we crying and messing themselves when Marley made his entrance.
It was a great show- my first into to tangueray.

Sun Jul 23, 09:43:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all remember Harry behind the scenes, at the mixing board/light board (Big Gulp full of evil liquid close at hand). And the progenitor of "Industrial Light and Magic (NBPT Chapter)."

I seem to recall, however, when Mr. Brown decided to step in front of the lights.

Can anyone recall the breakthrough role? It was not all that he had hoped and I fear he was a bit upstaged by his nemisis.



Mon Jul 24, 03:54:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

romeo & juliet?

Oddly enough, Kathleen & I just had our second daughter- Juliet.

I hope I'm right. It was that or MSND.


Thu Jul 27, 10:10:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Please give our love to the happy mother and kisses from all of us dirty old uncles!!!

Of course, Brendan, you are right again!

Harry did, in his own words, do a fair to middlin job at Thibault, agains a very fiery Mercutio (who stole the show!)

Thibault was the first to die in the play, too, as I recall.

On that note, be cool and take it one day at a time.


Fri Jul 28, 04:47:00 PM

Blogger DIckie said...

YAY! You procreatin' fool!
Nice job.

Sat Jul 29, 02:19:00 PM

Blogger DIckie said...

Hey, Harry! I made it!

Thu Aug 03, 08:36:00 PM

Blogger eleanor said...

Welcome to the world, little Juliet! Congrats B & K, and welcome to the "2 girls" club :)

Big hugs all around
~ Eleanor

Sat Aug 05, 01:10:00 PM

Blogger eleanor said...

So I'm sitting here listening to the Bosstones and reading these stories...
Happy Birthday, Harry. You changed our lives and our world. I am so sorry you're gone, but I'm glad you were born.

Sat Aug 05, 05:03:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Dickie!

Happy birthday to all of the relentless cookout birthday kids.

Sat Aug 12, 11:09:00 AM


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