He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Monday, August 16, 2004

Old hBlog - Design of blog

Well topics sort of work, it's kludge but it will get me by until I come up with a nice tasty design. (Ick I sound like a bad designer)

Well, history shows that I was one of those people who made REALLY bad party invites in MacPaint in the early days. So if I can design something really awful, you'll see it here.

Anyway, for now if you look to the Right ( Under Navigation) you should see my topics >>>>>>>>

There are a few there now, they are not all populated, and some hold place holder material, but at least they work.

And yes, I know the themes are ugly as sin, but trust me they are better than what you'll get from me :)

So with this milestone I think I'm going to go live sort of.....




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