He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Friday, September 10, 2004

Old hBlog - Shopping ISPs and Biking

I'm shopping ISPs right now for a new hime for Knowmads.com and then a (the) hblog will run from there. WHen this happens, I will be sending out a mail with the new address and all the other info, but in case I don't have a current address for you and you are reading this, send an email to hbrown@knowmads.com so I can add you to the distribution list.

I am now working both the Barnes and Noble job and the school district Mac OS-X job. They are both going well, but tend to step on one another now and again. I have to be at the School job at 7:00 a.m. which is real fun after closing B&N til midnight sometimes the night before. As thoses of you who work jobs that close late know, you can't really just go home and go right to bed, you have to unwind some, and by the time I'm in the rack, it's almost 2:00.

So I spend a lot of time trying to catch up with sleep, and failing miserably.

I had most of Saturday off, so I rode my bike up into the foothills. Did I mention UP ? Man I thought my heart was going to explode. I've never really heard such a steady (and loud) beat. So, at my designated dying point, I sat by a rock climbing group and read "The Big U" (Neil Stephenson's first book I ever read which is largely unknown) and drank a lot of water. Needless to say the ride down the bike trail was a lot more fun......

I think there is a bent cam or axle in the bike somewhere, you tend to notice it when you are really peddling hard, even in lower gears. I've had a good Mountain bike guy look at it, but they regard it as a piece of junk anyway. He said I got what I paid for...

Well I'm off to bed, watch this space for the new location of hblog, I'll try to email and post here.



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