He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Old hBlog - Anniversary(Sober), Indulgers and late night boulder eats

So I went and saw The Indulgers tonight. They were very good, but boy the place gets crowded fast with all the students back. They did an encore of Freebird.... Need I say more ?

They recently played a gig where they opened for The Lord of the Rings movie at Red Rocks...

Then I popped by Illegal Petes for a Burrito. You can eat real well in Boulder til about 2:30 am, some places til 6:00 a.m. Illegal Pete's is so far my favorite, but if you want to see a funny scene then Cosmo's pizza on University hill is great after last call.....

Today was my anniversary of not drinking, that's right one year, but who's counting ? So what do I do, but go see an Irish band with a female fiddle player that drinks tequila chased with diet coke. Those of you who are War for the Oaks fan will get the picture straight away, this town and this particular band sets the stage pretty well. The dancers and revellers in ribbons almost outnumber the colleges crowd on Indulger nights.

I hear Black 47 is going to be in the area soon as well, so I have to save my pennies.

So it looks like I got the job for the Jefferson School district. It's very part time and limited to 4 or 6 months but at least it's in my field ( if I have a field anymore...) Next week is going to be a very busy week, I couldn't get any B&N shifts covered and the new gig wants me 3 days... This leaves me with no days off til 2 weeks from now.

So I'm off to watch a little Buffy the Vampire Slayer ( Thanks again Micro..) and try and sleep do I can start all over at B&N tomorrow.




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