He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


Originally uploaded by hbrownii.
Hi all,

Well, Savannah came home the other day with a small cut and a large amount of swelling, so it was off to the vet with me.

Well... One thing about Boulder, they have a lot of Vets, and for good reason... they make a lot of money. I think this visit wa stwice what I'd pay for a visit in Westford, and this was the less expensive option. They want to actually anethesize her and operate, but they are willing to let me try cleaning the wound and Anti-Biaotics.

We'll see. But poor Savannah has one of those cone shaped hoods she has to wear, and all I can say is she is NOT happy. ( and I know she knows she looks very un catlike, and isn't happy about it one bit. )

So if any of you have any spare Kharma, send it her way, because I really don't want her to hae to go through the whole procedure, mostly because I love her and I don't think she will deal with it well, and also because quite frankly, I can't afford $700+


hairball and conehead...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My poor cat Kato (as in pink panther) is getting a vasectomy today.
Destiny got freaked last week as he was 'sporting wood' as we New Englanders say. Her account: 'he had this little bean sprout and he looked really confused'. Sounds alot like my puberty too. Let's trade feline kharma.

Hi Dano

Thu Oct 21, 09:56:00 AM


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