He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Saturday, April 30, 2005

April Snow in Boulder

April Snow 2
Originally uploaded by hbrownii.
Life withoot a BBQ. Unheard of...

Friday, April 29, 2005

Where's yer Towel ? HHG


I just got back from seeing Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, no spoilers here.

But... Watch for the.... oh never mind....

If you read any of the pre-hype an whining, just go see tha damn thing Ok?

It's actually pretty Great.

For those who don't want to read my thoughts, they nailed what they had to, kept the plebes in their seats, and overall, made a decent motion picture of something that has been tried 4 times already.

For those who care, well, look for the cameos, and I don't mean stupid famous people, you'll see what I'm talking about.

Mos Def has definitely made a mark for himself as a decent actor, but then you all know I still think Ice Cube and Iggy Pop rock because of Tank Girl, so what the hell do I know ?

We could lose John Malkovich forever (sorry film students, he just never mattered.) and and I wouldn't care, but very few know where his character comes from anyway.

I'm going to write a piece here 0n the movie, but I want to wait, and not spoil bits for folks who know this is probably more important a film than Star Wars.

And, for those of you too busy, didn't read the book, or just well, too stupid, to go have some fun, well, you get what you deserve, the Vogon constructor fleet was meant for you anyway, here's your paper bag.

Cheers, have fun, we're still shoveling out..


Friday, April 15, 2005

William Gibson

If you haven't seen "No Maps for these Territories", you are missing an very odd, yet fascinating look at the universe.

If it's possible to be cool, riding in a limo sipping a Starbucks coffee, and slurring like a drunk, but stone cold sober, this man ha sit nailed, and it soesn't hurt to have Bono read the first lines from Neuromancer either...



I haven't really had anything so write lately, at least not interesting, so I thougt I'd scrounge around the various digital pix I have and throw them out here to slow down ter browsers.


The Boulderado, one of my favorite buildings in town.

The grrl, next to the last time the iBook worked .

Roz Snow
Roswell Very upset about Snow after a 60 degree day followed by snow

Boulder Porch
Someone recently asked me about the porch.

The Grrl, old collar


The grrl back in the yard at 22 before I lost it.


Me, trying to figure out chopsticks...
HB Them
And giving up....

Saturday, April 02, 2005


I just got back from seeing the Samples play here in Boulder. Now there is a limited Samples audience back East, but they are pretty much Boulder's band.

I once got to see Midnight Oil so close that I was getting soaked by Garretts sweat, this was like that. And it was incredible. The mix was great, the crowd was casual, and it just made sense.

And of course, we have Cosmos pizza to make the night complete.

Anywho, I tried to get pictures, but alas my camera, and my skills, pretty much suck, but it was fun.
