He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Can't buy a break....

I spent most of today trying to get the Rover fixed.

OK I know I own an expesive car, but it has given me great times, and frankly, good times, so I do not regret it at all.

But when it gets hit while parked on the side of the road, it sucks when your in sewer ants company wants to charge you money for it. (read it twice, you'll get it)

I'm miserable.

This will be my worst Birthday ever. For those who have been asking, I'm looking for a copy of
"The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway" by Genesis" and and hrlp with utitity bills.

My new Apt is cool, but Savannah spends all her time hiding from Roswell by living on the shelf ablve the Kitchen, and the place is a total disaster. I'm afraid to let them out, because a major road is nearby, but there may be a poiny where I have to just to ease the tension.




Blogger Harry said...

Yeah a new relentless would be very cool. But I think we'd be like group of old men, complaining about our gall bladders and such. :)

Fri Aug 12, 04:02:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday homeslice dog person!
Not gallbladders, my diverticulitis. Frankly I don't think I could handle seeing Roby nekkid at 35. At least Micro would get laid again. I love you Mikey.
On a stupid note I am considering selling my perfectly running car and buying a beat up Rangey (89) so I can go broke reapairing and never driving it. I am extra happy to do it now that gas is so cheap.


Sun Aug 14, 07:32:00 AM


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