He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Ok, dropping an iBook works, if......

Ok Never put a sub sandwich, a bag og chips , a mountain Dew in the same bag as yer iBook.

Trust me on this one...... And then take a walk.

The strap will break, and so will the iBook. The sandwich will survive. and the chips will just be smaller.....

Now I owe Jeffco an iBook repair.

Damn glad the darn thing is made of plastic, if it was a Titanium or Aluminum I'd be in serious trouble.

But I'm hosed, but, hell what else is new........

But I found a great place for cheezwhiz.........

Now off to the the races, no internet, no phone, and no cat füd.

Good place to be. I''m just loving life.

There was once a time when I at leat kept a positive attitude. Now, I'm just copping an attitude.

For those of you who helped me, thank you, for a few others who ditched me screw you.

I'm sittting in a parking lot trying to get internet access. I think it's time to call friends friends, ,and others, well quite frankly enemies. And I'm starting to lose my abillity to be cool.

You know who you you are, and I'm sorry if I disappointed, but I never thought I'd drop a friend. But you've played and made situations out of things that were VERY important to me. It may be funny to you, but it's VERY important to me.

Sorry for the diatribe. But I'm a son of a bitch when I get pissed off.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harry, I don't think that anyone thinks what you are going through is funny. I believe I speak for all of us when I say that we want to help you but we just don't know how. Keep your chin up and get to work every day and things will start to come together behind those incoming 40hr paychecks.


Wed Oct 19, 10:22:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I can do to help is offer the same advice I have in the past 2 1/2 years- its the only thing that worked for me.

Now I have a life. I am happy. All I did was show up ans shuffle my feet after a while.


Fri Oct 21, 07:32:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What they said :)

It's hard being half a country away. You want to help, but all you can do is try to offer words of encouragement, words of advice, etc. But words don't seem to be enough, so I'm sending all my positive thoughts your way. Everyone else should as well.


Sat Oct 22, 12:07:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harry, as someone who in the not to distant past lost almost everything - I will confirm that it sucks. There are however people that are pulling for you that you do not even know are pulling for you. That being said; our good wishes can not be used to pay the bills or to get to work. Please get in touch with me as I may be able to help with something more tangible than empathy. Hang in there and if you can't believe that it will get better believe that we do.


Wed Oct 26, 12:22:00 PM


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