He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

So then he picks up his pruners and runs.....

So a lot of money later we get the alternator changed out of the Rover, and I knock out a tooth in the process.

Can someone please tell me who I annoyed so much that I'm dealing with this crud ?

Because quite plainly, I thought I was a nice guy. I've only ever raised my hand once in violence, and didn't want to do that.

My apartment stinks, my feet stinks, and I can't afford $3.43 regular gas.

What the hell happenend to the real world ? Cuz I miss it. I'm eating frozen pizza and Ramen noodles and complaining. And when you rely on Taco Bell and frozen pizza, you start to notice the decline.

Anyway, cheers to all, if you have a spare iPod let me know. ...

I have learned that my poor 3400 won't run over OS 9.1, but it is a DVT so I can't really complain. Those who know what that means will know, others can send me an email and I'll explain.

I'm reaching the limit of bullocks I can take. It's kind of funny how the Queen/Bowie song "Under Pressure" has become so pertinant to me. And Iggy Pop has a whole new meaning.

And by the way "I'm Afraid of Americans" is probably one of David Bowie's best songs after "Life on Mars" But my opinion doesn't matter.

By the way, the "Growing up On Tour" [Peter Gabriel] is probabaly the BEST movie I've seen in 10 years. .It's probably the best rock documentary I've seen in a long time. If you want to see what it's like when you are on tour, this is about it. I have a couple Pink Floyd videos that are close, but this one nails it. If you care.

Plus I've fallen in Love with Melany Gabriel, which is bad, bad, but luckily impossible.

If you like the Blind Boys of Alabama you have to see this video.




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