He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Happy Birthday, Harry!

You would have been 42 today, which as we all know is the answer to life, the universe and everything. But what is the question? I'm sure that Harry now knows what that question is, and he's smiling quietly to himself thinking about how the rest of us are still wondering.

I miss you Brown.



Blogger Harry said...

eleanor said...

So I'm sitting here listening to the Bosstones and reading these stories...
Happy Birthday, Harry. You changed our lives and our world. I am so sorry you're gone, but I'm glad you were born.

Sat Aug 05, 03:03:29 PM

Sat Aug 05, 05:20:00 PM

Blogger DIckie said...

Happy Birthday, Harry.
I miss you terribly.
I hope there is a relentless cookout in Valhalla.

Sun Aug 06, 01:42:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss you too Harry...


Tue Aug 08, 08:28:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We were sitting on the beach on Saturday, thinking about the good times.

One comes to mind now. We were at Plum Island, and Harry had just bought those glacier glasses that he used to wear (he was probably wearing them when he kicked.)

It was winter and he had all these coats on, flapping in the wind. I got a shot of Harry on a dune, which became an Instant Classic.

Chris Moore took the picture and did a funky solarized version of it, in color no less (if he is reading this I am still waiting for the royalty check, BTW).

It was Harry, bigger than life, like we will always remember him.

If Dago and Micro are reading this, be sure to have some fun on the Mesa and give our best to HB. We miss you.


Thu Aug 10, 10:52:00 AM


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