He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Monday, May 30, 2005

Kharma ain't Shit


I'm sort of losing it. I have tried to have the best Kharma on the planet,

But it's all going wrong.

I Have a living room full of wet shit, because today while at work, it poured for a couple hours and (duh) came right though the skylights. So I have a PC that won't start, and office chair (my only piece of furbiture) that is soaked, and a Mackie Mixer that sounds like it wants to blow up. The Pollen count has been so high here I can't even beging to clean all the yellow off my stuff, ad well .... fuck it... it just sucks to ocme hoe and not be able to just go to bed.

Whats better is on my way home from work tonight, I broke a filling/tooth so I need to find someone who will fix that affordably, and as usual I don't have a regular dentist, so i's a fucking gaping hole in my face.

So I hope eveyone else is enjoying Nantucket/Martha's Vineyard/some other place more than me cuz tomorrow 43K peple invade my neighborhood and run a fucking road race that seees to matter to someone.

If it's not bloddy obviious, I'm losong my sense of humor, and near as I can tell it will be a miracle if I don't kill myself and a bunch of others.

But far be it from me to interrupt a fucking holiday. Enjoy your Memorial Day, try really hard to spend 4 seconds and remember that we actually have friends who, whether we like it or not, are in another country , supposedly fighting for our rights to bitch like me.

Thanks John, you didn't have to do it, and you are the only Doctor besides Michael Curry that I have any respect for. I salute you for doing what is a nasty duty.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny, I can relate!

I was staying at my buddie's house in Byfield. Well, it had been raining for like 5 days. I was staying in his semi finished basement, his son in a bedroom down there as well. 4 AM on Wednesday I wake up to pee and there's water on the floor. I knew it flooded before, so I didn't panic. I tried to wake my buddy, but didn't want to go into his bedroom. I tried to nextel him too. I finally woke his son and advised him to get off the floor and please wake his Dad so we can get sump pumpin. He returns and says his Dad will deal with it in the AM. So I pick up a couple of rugs and move upstairs.

In the AM they discovered the septic system leaked in with the water. I left for work and stayed elsewhere. Went home to NY and did not recieve replies to a Nextel and an e mail. At work this AM I e mail to confirm that I will be coming in for the week.

Totally denied, homeless and in trouble for not waking him and his wife. Water water everywhere, was I being a dink?

Whatever the answer may be we find water fucking up many people. This too shall pass.


Tue May 31, 04:13:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

this stool shall pass.

Tue May 31, 04:14:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! I kinda remember that.

Wed Jun 01, 08:11:00 AM


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