He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Friday, June 24, 2005

Some quick answers....

No I didn't take pictures. Like a dork I left my camera in the Apt.

And no it wasn't anywhere near the massive rockslide on Rte 6 on the 21st.

Oh, and no I don't have a gun, I sometimes write for effect, and I should be smacked for that.

And No she wasn't naked..... She was dressed, and thank the lord, so was I.


Blog Fixed.... Sort of...

I think after spending most of the nigh I have fixed most of the xml glitches in the Blog.

I still need to to fix the Ads for ThinkGeek, but I'm tired ad it's getting towards morning here.



Boulder Oddities...

Ok so a very small. very easy to lift, girl just walked into my apartment, through the front door, with Roswell to climb across the balcony...

I was watching a surf movie on headphones, and it totally threw me.

So just in case you were wondering....

Boulder is still Boulder.


There are storms....

And there are people...

Some people are storms, and others are people,.

When you take a storm into a storm, you run into an impasse.

But when you take their friends....

And it flashes, and gets rainy, you think you are OK and cool....

You begin to realize YOU DONT KNOW SHIT about surviving in a really bad situation that involves nature. You thought you were very tough, and you thought you knew all about nature.....

And there was a great LandRover sitting nearby, but it will not get you out of the flood. But you are at least good at being really clever and grabbing everything you can and hoping to god you can save the friend you promised a good time offroading.

You NEVER put a truck in a flood. I have learned not to try to be invincible, but I hate to be limited....

The rain started and came fast. And I gave up on trying to do the trail we started 2 seconds after we started. I learned im Mass. that mud without lockers means doom, even with the smartest transmisssion in the known world, so I stopped.

It was supposed to be a tent camping trip, and I had no clue as to what I was getting into.

Smart move, turns out we just missed a mudslide a little higher, and as it happens, I don't have my AAA renewed cuz I can't afford it, not that they airlift you as part of the program.

But a AAA membership Gift Cert would be well appreciated (sorry serious, cry for help)

Anyway, as usual, we survived, and I may never have a date again. But that's OK, falling in love with the truck is a bad way to start a relationship....


Saturday, June 18, 2005

Life, the universe and Nothing

I've tried to sleep the last few nights on my porch, outside under the skies.

Roz and HB Prepare for bed

"Wind was blowing time sood still....."

It's not because I'd love to say that I live now in Colorado, where overall the skies are wonderful, but it's because I find myself restless in bed, and want to be elsewhere.

I'm old, and i don't have any real future. I have the usual options, and I don't want to take the Cobain option, not yet anyway, it will be how I go, I know that, but I want to play a little more.

So I play on, and sometimes actually wish for the future, but I lost my only capable mate, and now I have little to strive for. I think it's time to camp elsewhere....

I think I have some growing up to do.....

But as Yoda said.... there is another... Perhaps there is....

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Apple, Boulder and Music

So Yesterday, Steve Jobs, Finally crosed my line. And I'm the biggest pussy on the planet when it comes to Apple. But Either he's been taken over by aliens, or maybe JonCon as been right for a long ime, and he's just evil.

But I'm not going to go into that today, because I'll just do a diatribe. In a sort period of time, I'm sure I'll piss everyone off. People I know that would never have taken by this bullshit are willing to take it. I suppose I shouls shut up and sit down.

Oddly enough (pun intended) I went to a Birthday party tonight for one of my best friedns, which pretty much was a jam session, and I got to play drums with a more or less drum circle/jam band. And it was good, and it was fun and a lot more comfortable than I ever thought.

My fingers are swollen today, but it's a good pain, and I think I've been asked back.

I took some photos, but they are very dark, and pretty fuzzy because noone really wants to have a flash in their face at 2:00 in the morning.



