He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Friday, June 24, 2005

There are storms....

And there are people...

Some people are storms, and others are people,.

When you take a storm into a storm, you run into an impasse.

But when you take their friends....

And it flashes, and gets rainy, you think you are OK and cool....

You begin to realize YOU DONT KNOW SHIT about surviving in a really bad situation that involves nature. You thought you were very tough, and you thought you knew all about nature.....

And there was a great LandRover sitting nearby, but it will not get you out of the flood. But you are at least good at being really clever and grabbing everything you can and hoping to god you can save the friend you promised a good time offroading.

You NEVER put a truck in a flood. I have learned not to try to be invincible, but I hate to be limited....

The rain started and came fast. And I gave up on trying to do the trail we started 2 seconds after we started. I learned im Mass. that mud without lockers means doom, even with the smartest transmisssion in the known world, so I stopped.

It was supposed to be a tent camping trip, and I had no clue as to what I was getting into.

Smart move, turns out we just missed a mudslide a little higher, and as it happens, I don't have my AAA renewed cuz I can't afford it, not that they airlift you as part of the program.

But a AAA membership Gift Cert would be well appreciated (sorry serious, cry for help)

Anyway, as usual, we survived, and I may never have a date again. But that's OK, falling in love with the truck is a bad way to start a relationship....



Anonymous Anonymous said...

mud without lockers means doom- are you refering to the mosquito fest in Buttfield?

I am I a storm or a person?


Tue Jun 28, 04:46:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dickie again

Tue Jun 28, 04:47:00 PM


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