He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Friday, August 19, 2005


There was a time when I had a passion for all of life, but I've sort of reached a limit to how much I can get excited about getting up in the morning. I wish I had a better attitude, but there is a point where everyone breaks, and I thought I had approached it back when I had to deal with my Dad almost dying, but that's not even close to where I am now.

Carter Lake

(there are a few more embarassing photos posted)

I've really tried to make my old stupidity right, but it hasn't helped, I've tried to keep a postive attitude, and what I have ended up with is a world that sucks completely. I may have been dumb coming to Colorado, but I couldn't deal with the ghosts of New England anymore.

One visit to a Dunkin Donuts (sp?) when back, convinced me I can't play the New England game any more. I'm too mellow and too weak to fight for that place in line.

There is very little I can rememeber that didn't have a taint to it, so I guess I'm getting to be an old curmugeon, but it's starting to be a bear, and sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you.

I wish I could report something better, and Micro asked me about moving back today, but I would just fall into old New England habits if I did, an that would be bad.

I have learned to get out and enjoy Colorado, and I'm pretty good at Pool now, so I at least have hobbies, I just wish they had Chelmsford GingerAle here......

Hairball, Late, tired. broke and fairly depressed.

To my mother, My cats, and clowns........ Is there Life on Mars ?

( yes Dago, I now it's supposed to be "Dogs and Clowns" But I think I'm allowed to take liberties, I've been a fan long enough)


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