He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Dropping the curtain

This is the last blog post.

I'm tired of the abuse, and frankly, the lack of support.

Maybe I was looking for something I shouldn't have expected, but the I did this to tell people who I thought cared about what was going on in my life. Instead I've managed to generate a a great deal od abuse, and quite frankly, a great deal of broken relationships.

It's been too much for me to handle right now. I have enough problems that I can't seem to handle, as simple as they might seem, and the last thing I need is more rhetoric from people who aren't involved.

There are a lot of issuses folks don't understand. And one more comment about my life or relationships like the ones I've been given, and I'll lose it and get mean. So, as they say, That's all folks.....



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, you may be right Harry.
I can't recall any posts where you asked for help or advice.

What you got were pleas, advice, concern and other posts from people who love you deeply (from my perspective). In my case I laid down what I know, my bent sense of humor- I use humor (which is often misconstrued- but the intent was always one of helping) as a defense mechanism because this hurts and my experience climbing out of my hole. Maybe I should have just kept my mouth shut, fat fricking chance. I did twitch a few days ago, but I am imperfect.

What you do is your own choice. I will love you and try to help however I can no matter what. Over the years we have relied on each other to get through tough times (man), please feel free to lean on me anytime.

Once again, without the silliness- to thyne ownself be true.


Sun Nov 06, 08:13:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont have a current phone nuymber for you, please pass it on and sorry for the screwy syntax in the last post, but the message is from the heart.

Sun Nov 06, 08:20:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huh. I asked what we could do to be more supportive, and I guess that was misconstued as abuse or some such. That's too bad, because I really wanted to know.

If you don't want any feedback, maybe a blog is not the method you should use for sharing what's going on in your life, as it automatically invites comments. And clearly that is not what you were looking for. Perhaps a static web page would have been a better mechanism.

Not one person who has posted has ever wished any ill will towards you. It was the exact opposite. Yet apparently we are causing you grief. So I'm not sure what to say, except good luck. I hope everything works out well for you.


Sun Nov 06, 08:32:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Brown!

Check this out:




Send me an email if you don't have the funds, and I'll PayPal them to you.


Mon Nov 07, 08:55:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, don't pull the plug. I need support. How about telling me how to do peer to peer and remote access on the newest Mac OS? If you had a phone I’d call you tonight with that question. I need to know by Thursday.

I can only share my belief system with you. Are there better ones? Sure. Do I want you to believe in what works for me? Not if you're not attracted to it. I think it's natural that when we see friends going though hard times we want to “fix” it, instead of just listening.

Reading this blog, I see the many FOH (Friends of Harry) throwing their 2 cents in on what works for us. If it sounds like lectures, criticism and lack of support: consider us amateurs in the advice dept. We’re all pulling for you H-man. Don’t cut us off.

- mystery g

Tue Nov 08, 11:14:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just great... I finally get mystery g to email me the link to your blog only to find that you're closing up shop!? Life is so unfair.

Then again if it were fair, the piece of crap Operating Systems that come out of Redmond would have a combined market share roughly the size that BeOS has. And everyone would recognize that you and I are actually morning people too... our mornings just happen to start in the afternoon.

Fortunately for all of us, two great levelers exist that balance out life's many injustices. The first is the fact that there is no limit to the number of friends we can have and the second is the fact that there is no boundary on the magnitude of their love.

From what I’ve seen here in only a few short minutes of browsing you certainly aren’t lacking in either. So while I empathize with your tales of woe and poverty, I’m also seeing an infinitely rich man. So much so that I’m tempted to regress back to a common complaint I made to my mother about my brother way back in my childhood.

“No fair, he has more than me!” I’d say, in an enraged fit of jealousy.

To which she would calmly reply. “That’s because I like him better.”

Matthew (Tracy’s other half)

Wed Nov 09, 03:35:00 AM


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