He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Seamonkey and other fun,,,,

If you haven't noticed, the girls and boys at Mozilla haven't been relaxing with Firefox and have noe released SeaMonkey, which I have found to even faster than both Firefox and Camino and has a heck of s lot more fearures it's at 1.0 and can be downloaded at http://www.mozilla.org/projects/seamonkey/

I dig it because I've been using Mozilla for email for a long time, having had many issues with Thunderbird, and still refusing to run any Microsquish products on my iBook,

This is really a nice transition foe the Mozilla crew, it's well done and frankly, very slick and quick.

I'm living on it now, and it works very well. But like any cutting rdge browser, it takes a little getting used to but try it out. It came in with no fan fare but is pretty slick.



Since I am now foreced to use use older "iron" I'm impressed at the compatibility as a whole. This is truly a browser worth keeping on your machine,

But for those who must toe the proverbial line, have fun with Explorer, it'll always provided you with the excitement of driving with bald tires on an oil drenced highway .... naked.




Blogger DIckie said...

Hey there. I am posting agin, yipee.
I was thinking about you having to sell off your cds. I have had fun with lime wire, mostly I bag rare wierdo stuff, and seeing how you already paid for the cds once, You shouldn;t feel guilty about it.

Thu Feb 09, 11:04:00 AM


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