He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


OK I've discovered that a 3 lb sledge doesn't fix a Dell

But it's funny.

But now I can't seem to play swg,

But that''s no surprise, The damn Dell is f^&*'d and I'm tired of it,

Anyone have a harddrive ?



Blogger Harry said...

I wanna take hat Dell guy and throttle him.


OK I can't find a Firewire card, because I've been getting ready to try and move, and lo and behold, I once again didn't label any boxes.

Ok so it was a rubber mallet, but if I actually had a sledge it would have been used.

I take the time to renew my damn account, and then my fraackin computer dies.

Well this will be like "This old house" as I rebuild from ground up. Or maybe it's more like Ground Force.


Tue Feb 28, 11:20:00 AM


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