He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Monday, June 26, 2006

And now it's time for the stories...

This is from Dickie.



Lately as the sting has begun to wear off a bit and other issues take precedence (as they inevitably do), I have found myself chuckling over some of the funnier moments I experienced with Harry.
I will list 2 here and perhaps ask Micro to create a post and we all may comment on the lighter side of Mr Brown.

1. When Harry's career consisted of getting out of bed @ 10 AM and walking from the fridge to his home office with a beer and 'working' for Charlie til about 2 pm then off to the Littleton haunts, he had a grat set up in his office. He had an old Mac Duo laptop dedicated to caller ID and playing individual ringtones (a capability we can use on our cel phones, but this was 8 years ago). Ellens cellular ID illicted a 'BATTLE STATIONS- WHOOP WHOOP!' star wars sound file.

2. More sage wisdom from HB came when he was coaching me on facing the judge for my DWI hearing in Texas- 'Dickie, put a pen in your shirt pocket- there's something about a pen in your shirt pocket that tells the judge you're not a loser". Of course Harry, cuz the .29 BAC I blew screams of responsibilty.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Harry's Friends

Sherri and I want to thank all of you for making the trip to New Hampshire to remember our good friend Harry Brown. He truly was a force of nature- all f&%$ing day long!

Aside from the rain and the cold, it was a warm and personal way to celebrate the many facets of the man we all knew and loved. Harry's life was full of passions and he loved to share them with so many different people. He affected all of us in unique and individual ways and he will not be forgotten. As sad as it is to face the fact of his death, being together with loving friends has helped to bring some closure.

If anyone would like to send us a remembrance stone to be left with him, please email us for our address. Also, thanks to everyone for bringing food and in helping to make this day happen.

Peace to you all,
Dago and Sherri

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Pictures from Harry's Cookout

This is micro. Here are some pictures taken today.

Also, here are some pictures that Erika took: share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=8AauWbdi0buH4Q

And here are some pictures from Jeanne: