He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Old hBlog - Denver, Roswell, the Cure

Went to Denver today. I think I will have a contract gig with a school district converting OS9 macs to OS-X. I'm excited and a little scared. It sounds like they may have already used someone that didn't work out, but I have some faith that I can turn this around if it's the case.

The Transit system here rocks ! I grabbed a 1:00 bus into Dnver and got to a 2:00 meeting. Not bad at all! And for all of $7.50 round trip.

So I finally got to see Denver again after about 15 years. Yeah it must be something like that. The place I interviewed in is about a block from the Hotel I stayed in, so it was kind of deja vu.

Neat stores still but the place where I almost bought a rovers coat 15 years ago is gone. Probably a good thing, but in weather like this the old oiled leather coat would be nice.

It's raining like madhouse here today the flooding is truly scary below some of the bridges. Traffic is trying to drive through 2 feet of water. Haven't really seenanyhting like that before, but I guess it's kind of expected here when it rains so hard. Essentially the storm is staying directly right over Denver.

I'm on the bus back right now, hope it's a little dryer in Boulder. And I hope the cat window hasn't flooded the Apt. if it is't.

Going to try and live sans cel phone but I may have to get one to work for this consulting company. Well I suppose it would be handy when the car gives up on me too......


Regardng my first post, and questions, no, I didn't declaw Roswell, he simply caught a claw in something and, close your eyes and try to think happy thoughts, ripped one out. Carpet cleaning is fun and even more fun in the heat with all the chemicals....
He's fine. And almost happy, if he could figure out how to get off the meager porch I have and then back again.

Just got back from the Cure show. Good but they don't do my favorite song, Primary, live anymore (big surpise) It was at the Coors Ampitheater, which is sort of like Great Woods errrrr... the Tweeter center.

Much like Great Woods it had a name, Fiddlers Green, but now It's sponsered by Coors. Second verse same as the first...

Tomorrow (errr today )I have to figure out how to get to and around Denver to meet with a recruiter. Hopefully some real work will come from it. Cross yer fingies for me.

Good Night / Good Morning



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