He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Merry Christmas !!

Arm & Ewok Lake Village
Originally uploaded by hbrownii.
Hello All,

Here's my idea of X-mas decoration. A whole Ewok Lake Village. Couldn't get the little buggers to sit still long enough for a photo. But at least I'm wearing my Red and Green x-mas armor....

Hope everyones holidays are going well. The cats are sleeping off many deliveries of Catnip, and I still have Turkey breast to cook.

Today is the first of all retail workers least favorite days of the year. Everyone decides to return their gifts for something they really want. So off I go duty, as it is, calls.

Peter and I found a Mexican restaurant yesterday for dinner, so we did that and walked around Pearl Street for a little while.

As is sort of usual, it was about 60-65 all day, and then got cold at night. Nice for me and nice for the cats.

Peace to all, have a great New Year.

And if anyone knows where one would find an electric blanket these days, please send me an email. hblog@knowmads.com



Friday, December 24, 2004

Savannah December

Savannah December
Originally uploaded by hbrownii.
Savannah's agent has been in touch with e and seems to think her client is not being properly represented on the blog. So here's a publicity still until we can actually focus on her in some sort of action besides sleeping.

Also there is and will be more new stuff in the Quotes and SWG categories.



Thursday, December 23, 2004

Roswell Box

Roswell Box
Originally uploaded by hbrownii.
Roswell is in charge of all shippig and recieving.

Roswell and other box

Roswell and other box
Originally uploaded by hbrownii.

Paragliders Route 93 in December

Paragliders December
Originally uploaded by hbrownii.
This is what the crazy people that don't back country ski out here do...

This is a view off the side of Route 93 (oddly enough) that I take to and from Jeffco when I work in the Littleton (oddly enough again) area.

There were probably 10 or 15 more this day, right around "rush" hour home.

Sorry ot isn't clearer, but I was supposed to be driving...

Pearl Street December #2

Pearl Street December #2
Originally uploaded by hbrownii.
This sinply looking the other direction on Pearl Street.

Pearl St. December

Pearl St. December
Originally uploaded by hbrownii.
This is downtown on Pearl St. The waling outdoor shopping mecca of Boulder. This about a half mile at most from my apartment.

It's great place to hang in the summer and people watch and if you find a shady enough spot, you can see your laptop enough to use some of the Wireless access that ois provided by a number of generous local businesses.

You can count 50 iPods in an hour sitting here. APple has no idea what a great commercial they are missing.

They barely have a presence at CU. Yet between iBooks and iPods I think the whole town runs in six colors.

Tree Stockings Fire

Tree Stockings Fire
Originally uploaded by hbrownii.
Thanks to the Averill's I have a Little Christmas tree. Which keeps the cats sort of busy as well, so I suppose it's a distraction as well.

Today, it's 4 degrees out. So yesterday being sort of wr and Sunny was kind of a tease.

If you look in the picture carefully you can see the stockings for the cats that my Mom and Charlie sent me. There's catnip in there somewhere and they know it.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Where the sidewalk ends.

There is nothing more sad, more painful and more raw than when you finally realize and admit to yourself that you aren't needed any more, thatyou can't make a differnece and that yout choices and opinions are insignificant.

Take every little thing you can, and examine it, smell it, taste it, feel it and make a difference, because when you get here, there are no distractions, and you will be forced to stare the sheer anguish in the teeth out of raw need for distraction. And it repeats endlessly, relentlessly, teasing youn into to trying to claw your way back out. But you can't ever go home.

Don't bonk. Skee ball is more important than you think.

Sunset Lakewood Cropped
Originally uploaded by hbrownii.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

1 more shopping Saturday til Chaos ..err Christmas.

Well it's sunny and according to my thermometer, about 70 degrees outside. I have the back porch door open, and the cats are revelling in the apparent lack of winter.

With a nice breeze, the Dead on the stereo, it's a nice day.

Of course I look at the calendar, and realize two things. It can't stay this way for long, and I really wish there was amonth for financial recovery between the two "BIG" holidays.

Working tonight, 1 more Saturday after this til Christmas ! Bah Humbug.

Well enough cheer, off to clean muddy paw prints from the carpet.

Tis the season for Ragu.

Saw Hot air ballons this morning, with the wind being what it is here, I can safely say these guys are nutz.



Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Things that make you go huh ?

Ok, so as you know I work next to a Whole Foods grocery store. So why do people, who suuposedly spend the extra buck or two to eat well, and stay healthy, wegetarians many of them, fit as a fiddle, get sooo bent out of shapetrying to find the closest spot to the store so they don't have to walk too far ?

And I have never met such grumpy people during the holiday season as I have met here. This whole shopping thing was a bad idea. I'm no purist, but it's been like demons have moved into Boulder since the day after Thanksgiving.

Hey I like shopping for gifts and getting gifts like the next guy, more toys I always say, but my word these people have been taking steroids or something. Normally fridn;y mos in their 30 foot long Suburbans are positively pissed when a Honda snipes them into a closer parking spot.

I find it hilarious. I have no time for shopping nor do I have any funds for shopping, but I am trying to get into some sort of festive mood, and this anger really throws a wet towel on it. Especially when you are trying to run a credit card for the 3rd time it's been declined, and take the brunt of their anger. Shop On America ! I'll be boarding on Christmas, bad shoulde ror no. May just launch right off a cliff and sing as I go down in a burst of reentry flame.