He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Monday, February 21, 2005

HST - What to see on the web

I didn't want to start a massive link list, so I am going to refer to my good friend Dan's recommendation to oneof the best damn HST sites that is out there.

Christine's site has been a bookmark on every computer I own, so with respect for her and the news, I can only recommend you start there and find your own way.

It has a link to my other favotirte HST blogger "Lono". He pretty much has earned the right to use it, and Betwen those two and the surprise John C. Dvorak link, I thin I can say that the word is being spread in far more responsible hands than mine.




Hunter's Way.....

Hunter Thompson

I've been sitting here staring at the screen for the better part of 2 hours now. I don't know what to write. I know I'm a cruel bastard when it comes to death, I feel it's inevitable, and why get bent out of shape ? But now I sit here stunned. Because the bastard wasn't supposed to die. Zevon was hard enough, and I know a lot of great people die, but somehow, Hunter managed to have a special place in the mortal universe, and I for one, thought he'd out live me.

Hunter, for good or ill, proved to me and the world that you could beat the system. That you could be whatever you want and say whatever you wanted. And as crazy or uncomfortable you made people feel, they just had to take it.

He simply didn't care what people thought, but he would tale all kinds of extreme measures to at least make you THINK.

And he had the most important part of being a loose cannon and surviving, he knew what he was talking about. He never started a column with "well I think..." he KNEW. He made is abundantly clear that he had done the work, knew his topic, and no matter how bizzare it may be presented, if you wanted the straight dope, he had it.

Last night I was working, and sneaking a look though Rolling Stone magazine, where I saw shots of Depp playing Wonka, and then I saw a picture of Depp with Thompson, and I proudly said "there's a guy that has done it all, and will do whatever he wants, and manage to do it as long as he wants. Rules don't apply to HST."

Some of you know how much I love and respect Hunter, some would even blame some of my stupidity to trying to emulate his lifestyle, either way I can only say one thing right now, and then I have t mull over what to really say.

Hunter has done some crazy shit in his day, some real, some probably imagined, but there's one thing that has always remained a constant, he NEVER did anything he didn't believe in. So, for whatever reason, Hunter made this decision, and as cold as I may sound, I believe he did what he wanted to do. And that, my dear readers, is Hunter's way.



"Hunter was the pole around which trouble would occur. He was a good-looking boy who could out-think you and out-perform you. But I believe he had great sadness. He was a serious, important child. Chairman of the Board of the gang. He knew how to bestow attention. His approval was extremely important because he had so many skills. And so you spent your whole time bouncing up and down waiting for Hunter to approve." --- JOHN BRUTON, childhood friend of HST; South American Businessman

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Finally Offroad

Switzerland Trail
Originally uploaded by hbrownii.
So I finally get all my license and Registration almost sorted out (Thank you Mom and Charlie for helping with Utah), and what'd I do? I went and found a trail West of Boulder, that is supposed to be easy. Well that was not exactly written for winter, and it's all too easy to forget those hill are full of snow, when in Boulder folks are running around in shorts and T-Shirts.

Well, I did go out alone, but I also left info where I was going and a copy of the map I was using with folks nice ad warm here in Boulder.

I only got three shots, and they were before it got kind of "interesting".

Side note. Unless you know what you are doing, do not go out without preparations. I can't say totally know what I'm doing, but I've learned a lot the hard way, so I was covered. I was carrying 2 gallons of water, trail mix, Sleeping bag, emergency blankets, some dry wood, and a GPS, in which, the batteries went dead) and a small Pizza. (they don't deliver into the woods)

Anyway shortly after these were taken, a small storm front moved in, and made this slight decline in this picture damn near unclimbable, so I had to keep going down... Hoping there wouldn't be another "UP" around the corner.

It is really quiet out there in the woods, and I think it waould have been even quieter at night...

Sugarloaf Trail

Sugarloaf Trail
Originally uploaded by hbrownii.
This was the clearest part of the whole trail, and the last place I had a GPS signal. Having a compass is great, but it does not change the direction of the road you are on. At this point, I know I can;t go back up, and I'm not 100% sure I didn't miss a turn because there are new roads out here since my map was made.

By the way, pizza warms quite nicely right in the box, under the hood while the car is sitting still. :)

Sugarloaf Trail

Sugarloaf Trail
Originally uploaded by hbrownii.
The peak behind the Rover there is more or less where I started from, actually just below it, to the right.

After this I didn't really have time to get photos, because It was kind of hard driving, and I was trying to get beyond the storm sneaking up behind me.

It got dark very fast.

Next time, I'll have someone else with me, and hopefully someone who can shoot pictures while I cuss.

Almost at the bottom, alythought I didn't know it, I ran into a couple of Toyota Forerunners that were very well equipped, abut no winch. They wanted to go back the way I came with me in the rear for the winch... Needless to say I explained I had other plans.



Sunday, February 13, 2005

Boulder from above - Hiking around town

Originally uploaded by hbrownii.
This is a view of the PRB from one of the trails just on the edge of the Flatirons, just west of town.

I like to go up here for lunch when I'm working at home. I hope to stitch a set of these together to make a decent panorama shot, but I haven't quite pulled it together yet.



Thursday, February 03, 2005

Greetings from Whatville

Hi, Been a while as usual. Nothing happens, nothing changes.

There's some new info in the SWG section regarding other MMORGs for folks who have tired of SWG. ANd info on how to try and get into the beta of TheMatrixOnline.

Mostly just working and trying to sleep. My iBook has given up the Power supply connection as well as the DVD-ROM drive. It works, but just barely. ( I never get to see the end of a movie. )
But this iBook has served me very well, and even limping, comtinues to try.

If anyone has any need of a tax writeoff, I'd be happy to become a charity you could buy a laptop for. :)
Hope everyone is well. I'll try and post later with some pictures,