He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Monday, May 30, 2005

Kharma ain't Shit


I'm sort of losing it. I have tried to have the best Kharma on the planet,

But it's all going wrong.

I Have a living room full of wet shit, because today while at work, it poured for a couple hours and (duh) came right though the skylights. So I have a PC that won't start, and office chair (my only piece of furbiture) that is soaked, and a Mackie Mixer that sounds like it wants to blow up. The Pollen count has been so high here I can't even beging to clean all the yellow off my stuff, ad well .... fuck it... it just sucks to ocme hoe and not be able to just go to bed.

Whats better is on my way home from work tonight, I broke a filling/tooth so I need to find someone who will fix that affordably, and as usual I don't have a regular dentist, so i's a fucking gaping hole in my face.

So I hope eveyone else is enjoying Nantucket/Martha's Vineyard/some other place more than me cuz tomorrow 43K peple invade my neighborhood and run a fucking road race that seees to matter to someone.

If it's not bloddy obviious, I'm losong my sense of humor, and near as I can tell it will be a miracle if I don't kill myself and a bunch of others.

But far be it from me to interrupt a fucking holiday. Enjoy your Memorial Day, try really hard to spend 4 seconds and remember that we actually have friends who, whether we like it or not, are in another country , supposedly fighting for our rights to bitch like me.

Thanks John, you didn't have to do it, and you are the only Doctor besides Michael Curry that I have any respect for. I salute you for doing what is a nasty duty.


Thursday, May 26, 2005

Thanks to Philly


So I seem to have stirred up a beez nest.

Folks from Philly have sent me a serious CD of Jim Carroll covers.
I needeed a lil punch to the head, I guess.

It's called "Put Your Tongue to the Rail" and frankly, it rocks.

I don't think I danced and played air guitar in such a long time...

I salute the Philly crew for such a sweet compilation. It rocks.


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Rehash of the blog


I'm sorry.

There was some sort of screwup with Blogger, so I can't easliy edit what I wrote last night.

( And as you can see they have dropped the usual format )

First in response to many emails, I'm not on a suicide bent, I just sort of thought I'd present some neat material.

The Geldof reference was mostly for people who knew what happened to Bob, and Michael, of INXS, and it gets ugly after that, and I don't really want to offer my thoughts, because they don't matter. I wasn't there but I miss Michael deeply. He was one of the few rock stars who chose to talk to someone who meant a lot to me, and he came across as a real human being.

I've, obviously worked for a lot of people that could have been jerks, but he wasn't one of em, and I mourned when he took his life.

But then it got really odd, when he was tied to Geldof, who I regard as the most important person in our age except maybe Bowie, so it's been a wierd headspace for me.

I'm odd this way, but hopefully I can live in this bubble that is Boulder until it doesn't matter anymore. I will become a simple memory for you all.


The Warrior Lives,


Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Spiralling towards Sense

I found a new Jim Carroll album, I think it may have, maybe, if lucky 1000 pressings. It's called "Pools of Mercury"

And I also found a rare Warren Zevon Album called "Mutineer", If anyone has seen a copy of "The Envoy" on CD please lt me know.

And A Bob Geldof disc called Sex, Age and Death... It sort of explains... never mind.

I'm starting to be really careful about what I recommend, because I get a lot of Flak, but if you can get either of these, grab em.

Jim and Warren have been teaching me things that I think Dago gleans from Lou, and maybe someday, I'll see some part of the light. There is a very sharp, but interesting part of life.

I am living in an apartment smaller than most kitchens I've had, that is hotter than any day in Utah, and trying hard to understand why I keep going on. I was lucky to have south facing for the winter, but now it's impossible.

The cats both live in the tub, and I can't, because I work nights, get up early enough, get out before it's so hot that you wouldn't die running, or riding your bike.

"Some trust the wolf that they have raised since birth not to turn on them." I wonder about my cats. They look at me, and wonder what the hell I was thinking.

I got to be a minor celeb recently by responding to this article. But only because my letter reopened old wounds with the Boulder music scene.

And there are a bunch of new pix up on flickr, just click on the grrrl


Anyway, I should probably sleep, and NO I haven't seem the new Star Wars yet, hard to believe, but I had a fever over 100, and decided, I've waited this long, I don't want to be miserable, seeing the keystone.

New opinions:

New Dave Matthews >>> Listen to it on headphones.
New Rob Thomas >>> Weak, but he still writes the best heartbreak lyrics.
Duhks >> If you don't have it, yer missing it.
Anna Nalick >> Cute, 2 song wonder, better to listen to old Eva Cassidy, but support wouldn't hurt, her next album could be great.