He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Friday, August 26, 2005

DIrty Dancing...

OK, so the helong version of DD is, quite frankly, great.

I didn't say it it, but almost as good as thw DVD verssion of 3 Muskeeers' which is amost as good as Chasing Amy, but no one can touch that.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I can get you a great deal on 'Beaches' if you want.

See if you can get a copy of "chalk". It is an indy film circa early 1990s. Destiny plays the lead's girlfriend.

Sat Aug 27, 07:29:00 AM

Blogger Harry said...

Again I say take it in stride and lick it off my Arse, I study film, and I think this version was worth the time.

It'not beaches, because, well we all know what a fine oicture that is....

But hey I don't know dick about film, since seeing one fucking Sopronos episode.

Sat Aug 27, 11:13:00 PM


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