He who makes a beast of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man. - HST

I get it.... I'm Kenny. - HB

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


There is a point where you reach a point where you feel like a Vampire. I've been sleeping every day, and I mean ALL day. Then staying up ALL night. It's not healthy, and it's not right, but I'm far more comfortable in the dark.

I'm getting sick of this shite though. You get pulled over a lot when you operate late at night. Or in the morning. If I can say it, I think I can now do the "field test" with my eyes closed. The Boulder police are relentless, which is good, I guess, but they need a list of people to stop worrying about.

They use 2 cars for every pullover. And it's frightening. Every time. And I carry a knife most times, just a multitool, because I need to use one, but you have to explain every bit of your work.

But you learn fairly quickly, that the police, are truly trying, and as wrong as you may think they are, they do a required job everyday. And I'm not a suckup.

But enough about that, I still think I'm cursed. The battery died in the Rover tonight, so I'm going to be lucky if it starts tomorrow, or I should say today. I'm going to put the solar panel on it, ans see what happens when I get up this morning. I don't know who's cheerios I pee'd in, but I have annoyed a god of some sort.

So now I'm trying to appease, but I'm losing an awful amount of faith. ANd I'm damn lonely, and I'm damned depressed. And I'm sorry to throw my dirty laundry out at you all, but that's the facts. And if I hold back, it wouldn't be my blog.

Much of what I do, is icky, and much of what I do is depressing, but here I stand, and I know what I think, and what I think is important to me.



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